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Have you gone through something tough that makes you forget all the wellness tips you have learned to take care of your body-mind?
Do you feel tired and drained of energy for no apparent reason?
Do you experience intermittent pain or discomfort? Headaches? Fatigue?

Personal challenges, things like death, loss, financial challenge, divorce, or any experience that shakes your core and makes you feel stressed are often beyond your control. With all that’s going on globally – even beyond the pandemic – everyone is at risk of being emotionally, mentally, and physically affected.
We were all unprepared because we’re habituated to take things for granted.
Stressful experiences set off a cascade of physical reactions and you may suffer:
- dizziness
- insomnia
- difficulty breathing
- a compulsion to overeat or starve yourself
- chest pain
- excessive sweating
These physical experiences can create internal imbalances that undermine your ability to think clearly or feel positive. Because the brain function is affected, you may:
- experience confusion
- tend to blame others
- have difficulty making decisions
- become somewhat more forgetful
- and often get nightmares.
You may feel:
- anxiety
- grief
- denial
- self-blame
- uncertainty,
- loss of emotional control
- withdraw from others
- have a meltdown.
Is stress taking its toll on you?
You’re not alone. I’ve totally been there.
That’s why I’m going to share simple wellness tips in 19 simple ways to prevent these things to get you down in times of crisis. It’s vital to stabilize your body and support your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Life’s too short. Don’t let pain hold you back any longer. It’s time to heal from the root cause and in the meantime, support your body-mind while you heal.
Click here to book your healing session at a discounted price (limited space available)

- 19 Simple Wellness Tips You Can Use To Start A Healthy and Happy Living
- 1. Allow yourself to just stop.
- 2. Let go of unwanted emotions.
- 3. Drink a glass or two of water first thing in the morning.
- 4. Sleep for 8 hours each night.
- 5. Get sunlight every day.
- 6. Take a shower before stepping out for your daily activities.
- 7. Don't leave your bed unmade.
- 8. Eat real food.
- 9. See your doctor regularly.
- 10. Detox from the news.
- 11. Move and stretch your body every day.
- 12. Do things you enjoy.
- 13. Spend time alone.
- 14. Fill your home with houseplants
- 15. Practice gratitude.
- 16. Maintain satisfying social relationships.
- 17. Let go of the past.
- 18. Be kind to yourself.
- 19. Stop doing what doesn’t work for you, and keep doing what does work for you.
These tricks enable you to truly live each day in the healthiest, happiest way possible.
19 Simple Wellness Tips You Can Use To Start A Healthy and Happy Living

Wellness is a full integration of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being that leads to quality of life.
Here are 19 simple wellness tips to live a healthier, happier lifestyle — all simple, easy things that can be seamlessly incorporated into your daily life.
1. Allow yourself to just stop.

We are busy seeking, striving, pushing, pulling, trying to fix or change, or just looking away from the truth of what we are.
Lester used to say:
Sit in quiet and just stop. You don’t need to do anything at all. Just stop and be.
Doing this often makes you stay ahead of the game. It immediately stops your mental noise, increases gray matter in your brain, and creates inner space.
Taking a break, a pause, a stop, is an option for us to step back, get in touch with ourselves, and remind us what we are.
2. Let go of unwanted emotions.

One of the greatest sources of hurt is holding on to things that are trying to let go of us. The harder we hold on, the more it hurts.
We were taught to hold our problems close because we thought we were in charge of fixing all our problems, rather than shifting our focus. We thought we had to take whatever hand we were dealt with.
Letting go is a powerful, unique, and very practical tool that will dramatically improve the quality of your life. It’s a part of the healing I’ve done.
As a healing coach, I see people make remarkable recoveries, becoming healthy, happy, more fully themselves and create the life they love –- often in ways they never imagined.
I’m using The Sedona Method to help myself and my clients let go for good.
No matter what’s hampering you from feeling great and having optimal health, The Sedona Method can help you make great strides in increasing your level of energy, relieving stress and stress-related illnesses, and letting go of pain.
Emotions have far greater reaching effects on health and well-being than many people realize. The Sedona Method helps you to let go of emotions that keep your energy tied up in patterns that result in stress, fatigue, illness, or pain.
5 Simple Steps to Let Go for Good Using The Sedona Method
- Focus on the issue you would like to feel better about. Allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling in this moment.
- Ask yourself: “Could I allow myself to welcome, allow, or be present with the feeling?”
- Ask yourself: “Could I let this feeling go?”
- Ask yourself this simple question: “Would I let this feeling go?” In other words: Am I willing to let go?
- Ask yourself this simpler question: “When?” This is an invitation to just let it go NOW.
Repeat the preceding five steps as often as needed until you feel free of that particular feeling.
You may find yourself easily letting go. Remember that letting go is a decision you can make any time you choose.
As you use the Method, you will find that, over time, your challenging situations will become less and less so for you, until you may even forget that you ever had them.
Click here to get access to free online 6-day live video event, beginning August 10

3. Drink a glass or two of water first thing in the morning.

This habit helps rehydrate the body. The six to eight hours of nightly sleep is a long period to go without any water consumption.
In addition to water, drink three cups of green tea every day to greatly improve your health. Green tea may improve brain function and lower the risk of heart disease.
Eliminate soft drinks, diet drinks, energy drinks, sports drinks, excessive alcohol consumption, and all sugary beverages.
4. Sleep for 8 hours each night.

This will allow your body to truly rest and repair from the day.
According to the CDC, not getting enough sleep can lead to depression and increase the risk of health problems.
Be in bed, in the quiet and dark with no electronics. Turn off the TV and your computer, and put your phone inside the bag or keep it in another room.
Avoid consuming recreational drugs.
5. Get sunlight every day.

After waking up in the morning, don’t leave the curtain closed. Being in a dark room for so long sends signals of grogginess to your body instead of being wide-awake for the day.
Letting the sun rays into your room in the morning is a great way to wake yourself up.
Go out. Moderate sunlight exposure helps improve your mood and focus by boosting the serotonin levels in your body.
Strong association studies have found that Vitamin D is very important in signaling the immune system. This habit helps strengthen the immune system.
6. Take a shower before stepping out for your daily activities.

I noticed years ago when I had depression and before I knew how to release using The Sedona Method that not taking a shower first thing in the morning could ruin my day.
You’ll feel better when you have a cold shower in the morning. This small act of bathing activates the hormone norepinephrine in your body that sets you up un a high performing level.
You also feel more comfortable because the morning shower can stimulate the skin cells, specifically after they’ve relaxed during sleep.
But don’t forget that it’s also so important to go to bed clean to have better sleep. Even if you’re exhausted and just want to crash, get in the shower and let the water run on your face and body.
7. Don’t leave your bed unmade.

If you make your bed every morning, you’ll feel that you have accomplished the first task of the day. It will lower your stress level, improve your mood, and encourage you to do another task with ease. You feel in charge that you can handle anything.
The simple task of making your bed first thing in the morning reinforce the fact that little things in life matter.
A clean environment also gives you space to do things. It gives you room to breathe. It allows you to welcome clarity. You may find things start to get better.
8. Eat real food.

Real food is something your great-grandmother would recognize. You should be able to recognize all the ingredients and would probably have them in your pantry (flour, salt, olive oil…).
Start each day with a healthy breakfast. Choose to eat lots of leaves and fresh fruit in small portions, five servings a day, and understand the rules about moderation. The Okinawans of Japan follow Confucian teaching, “Eat until you’re 80% full,” and they have the highest life expectancy in the world. Whenever possible, choose organic foods.
Don’t worry about what you can’t and shouldn’t eat every day.
9. See your doctor regularly.

Develop healthy rituals but be prepared to be flexible as needed.
See your doctor regularly for wellness exams and health screenings.
Don’t forget your dental health. Don’t forget your eye health.
When working on a computer, it’s a good idea to follow the 20/20/20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
Continue to educate yourself about overall health and wellness to take care of your body-mind.
Resistance might come up at first. It’s okay. Resistance is how the mind is trying to protect itself. It’s just another program or belief that we’ve manufactured to protect our other programs or beliefs.
Feel the resistance and then ask yourself:
“Could I let go of this resistance?”
As you do that, it becomes easier for you to be open to what’s best for yourself and actually take inspired action to support that.
10. Detox from the news.

Limit worry and agitation by lessening the time you spend in front of the TV, watching, reading, or listening to upsetting media coverage.
News conditions us to believe that we’re unsafe in our homes and communities, doomed to a plethora of diseases, and are patently inadequate because of our appearance, status, income, and personality. Everything in your immediate reality is fine but it turns out really bad when you watch the news. It’s just business and motivated by profit. Bad news earns better ratings than good news, and sponsors need you to feel pain and inadequacy to motivate you to buy.
If you want to keep informed, remember to focus on the things that are positive in your life and things you have control over.
Get your information only from reliable sources and don’t take any information you see on social media as fact.
11. Move and stretch your body every day.

When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, doing just a little bit is better than doing nothing at all. Choose the activity that you like. You don’t have to do it all at once.
If you want to go in a walk, take a short walk. It’s better than no walk at all.
You can also swim, dance, or do yoga to build muscle, increase flexibility, lubricates joints, feel happy, and find inner peace.
When you work, get up from your desk regularly.
If you are ill or have an injury, rest and get treatment.
12. Do things you enjoy.

Keep involved in activities and pursuits that interest you and o something fun every day. Whether that’s releasing, exercise, baking, crafting, reading a book, watching a movie, or trying new things, spend your time doing activities that you love.
You can get some ideas for your activities here.
13. Spend time alone.

One of the biggest advantages of spending time alone is that your daily routine, thoughts, and actions are only influenced by you.
Spending regular time alone helps you to live an intentional life and you can do what you want without pressure. This is your time to try new things, without any distractions.
Learn to relax more. Take time to breath and don’t put too much pressure on yourself.
14. Fill your home with houseplants

This often gets overlooked as an essential element of healthy living. Houseplants help to cleanse your indoor air. They’re also pretty so they can improve your mood and creativity.
Walk in nature when you can.
15. Practice gratitude.

Find things to be grateful for in your life.
Start a gratitude journal as it can help bring positivity into times of stress.
Begin by writing down just 3 things that you are grateful for in your life each day! You’ll start seeing the misery melt away!
If you’re looking for emotional relief, I recommend starting each day with journaling and simplify your journaling experience with Journey App.
Writing acts as a form of release, so emotions that you may have been holding onto for a long time can finally be expressed. If you let yourself write freely for half an hour each day, you may be surprised by what you come up with.
Remember to keep letting go because you are not your story so don’t let it control you.
If you want to start letting go journal, you can use these 11 prompts to help you move forward.
16. Maintain satisfying social relationships.

Good social relationships are the most consistent predictor of a happy life. Satisfying relationships not only make people happy, but they also associated with better health and even longer life.
When relationships bring out the worst in us or they are non-existent, we feel anxious, depressed, and lonely.
If you’re seeking for happy experiences, it’s not enough to focus on yourself. Connect and build better relationships with people. Do something for others just because you can. Giving without wanting anything in return is the best remedy to depression, sadness, anxiety, even anger.
17. Let go of the past.

We think the past should have been different. But guess what, our past only exists now as thoughts in our head.
Your past can’t hurt you. Your feelings are caused by your thoughts. And you are always in control of your thoughts. You can always decide to let go.
If you allow things to be as it is and accept the things in your life that you cannot change, you are free.
Allow yourself to focus on what you can do to improve your life now.
18. Be kind to yourself.

When you have a setback at work and life, treat yourself with kindness.
As you learn to have self love and self-compassion, your life takes on a totally new quality that enriches everything that you experience.
If you’re having a hard time loving yourself, begin by simply loving the fact that you are unable to love yourself in this moment.
When you can love yourself in every situation — whether you’ve succeeded or failed, whether you feel good or bad, whether you’re enjoying life or hating it — you’ve taken self love to the unconditional level.
19. Stop doing what doesn’t work for you, and keep doing what does work for you.

Sometimes we think that if only we try harder…, maybe we can change that thing we want to change.
I’m sorry to break it to you, but we just don’t have time to keep flinging our efforts into areas that don’t work. It’s insanity…
…repeating the same action over and over and expecting different results.
Let go of what doesn’t work. It will support your well-being. Because… would you rather to hold on to things that broken or would you rather be free?
It’s your choice.
There you have it. 19 simple wellness tips to live a healthier, happier lifestyle.
Remember, be easy on yourself. You don’t have to do everything all at once. Do the things that you actually enjoy and refrain to make this list your another should.
Now you.
Which of these wellness tips for healthy living that sound most enjoyable to you and where do you want to start?
Let me know in the comment below.
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I really agree with the detox from the news. Sometimes youu would be in a good mood and once you see the news you become drained. These tips are very useful. I love them
Thank you for reading! I’m glad these tips can support you. Stay healthy and happy!
Thank you for sharing these ideas! I definitely thrive off of moving my body everyday, eating whole, nutrient-dense foods, and practicing gratitude by journaling. I will be referring back to this post from time to time whenever I am feeling a bit too stressed or anxious!
I’m glad that this can inspire you, Cassie! Thank you for being you and showing up for yourself!
Letting go of unwanted feelings is so powerful! I love all your tips, so much great info here. Thank you for sharing!
I agree with you. Once we let go, those feelings are gone for good! You’re welcome! Thank you for reading.
Great advice. Thank you for sharing the Sedona Method, too. I really needed to read this today! Serendipity! (will look into it in more detail!)
I am aware of the majority of these tips, for example, I know that if I eat clean it has a direct corelation to my feeling of wellbeing. Same with moving (I do yoga), being kind to myself (sometimes I forget to do this, and slip into unkind, negative thoughts, etc. Clipping this post to my Evernote for a frequent reminder. Thank you!
You’re most welcome! Thank you for sharing your experience! It’s very helpful to support everyone who’s reading. Love to you!