Helping you to release emotional blocks
that keep you stuck.
If you’re ready to make a fresh start after an unexpected life change like a career setback, relationship loss, or health crisis, you’re in the right page.
Feel like you can’t compromise with your life any longer?
Maybe you feel like you’ve been pursuing the life that’s “supposed” to make you happy.
The great career, or your own business, or a wonderful relationship. . .
. . .but now maybe it feels like those things have become the greatest stressors of your life.
And you feel stuck inside the matrix of emotions that you can’t escape.
Stress. Anxiety. Confusion. Frustration. Sadness. Depression. Guilt. Shame. Fear. Anger. . .
. . .and maybe you’re afraid that, if you were to try and actually deal with these emotions, it would be too overwhelming.
Or maybe you have tried things — meditation, yoga, Tai Chi, hang upside down, nutrition, tranquilizers, kinesiology, mindfulness practice, affirmations, journaling, visualizations, get grounded, read Nostradamus and lots of books, watch TED talks, sit under a pyramid, high vibrational music, subliminal tapes, psychic reading, astrology, numerology, astral projection, carry a crystal, chakra balancing, aura cleansing, tapping, NLP, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, relive past lives, punch pillows. . .
. . .but you’re still stuck worrying about the future or living in the past.
If that’s you, I want you to know you’re not alone. And there’s a way out.
I’ve got a plan to show you how to live in the now.
Free Guided Audio
Feel like you keep hitting roadblock after roadblock? You didn’t expect your life to end up like this. It’s time to break free from the tiring struggle to your best life ever.
Breakthrough Session
What if you had clarity, insight, and greater understanding that gave you the freedom to do whatever you want to be, do, and have for your highest good and loving yourself more?
1:1 Private Coaching
My 1:1 Coaching Program is designed for you who want to live in the now and be who you really are. There’s more for you—you know that, and you are ready to achieve it.

Download the free guided audio to release unpleasant emotions.
Feeling stressed and overwhelmed? I’ve got you covered!

Hey, I’m Adelia!
I help you to let go of limiting beliefs and unpleasant emotions so you can create the life you love.
Because if you don’t know how to manage emotions, it costs you your health and well-being.
Light, peace, and love — that is our basic nature. All the emotions we struggle with are just very a thin coating on the top. When you move through it, you will see underneath and the coating will dissolve.
I’m intuitive so I naturally see and pinpoint exactly what’s been keeping you stuck. With my simple and effective technique, I easily nail down the solution in a matter of minutes so you have a greater understanding and can quantum leap into the next level. I hold a safe space for you to be vulnerable so you can start healing. I support you from the place of love so sustainable happiness is possible for you.

Latest Live In The Now Tips
Stop holding on to the past and worry about the future and start living in the now.