Last Updated on March 26, 2020 by Ade Aprilia

Have you noticed that setting goals
We all understand the value and necessity of setting goals. . .
. . .but how many of us set intentions?
Without setting powerful intentions, setting goals can be really confusing — often derailing — because we sometimes fail to achieve them.
This act can easily lead to a sense of, not only failing but of being a failure.
Setting an intention is different. It’s the starting point of every dream.
Setting and living power intentions allow us to focus on who we are in the moment and raise our emotional energy, which in turn raises our physical energy.
Manifesting a dream begins by setting powerful intentions. It is the creative power that fulfills all of our needs, whether for money, relationships, spiritual awakening, or health.
Everything that happens in the universe begins with intention. Your intentions will assist you in taking greater control of your life.
How many times have you heard, “What you think, you become,” or “Thoughts become things”?
By creating an intention, we suddenly know how to measure our day. We connect with the goal behind the goal.
Defining Intention

A working definition for intention is: “to have in mind a purpose or plan, to direct the mind, to aim.”
Lacking intention, we sometimes stray without meaning or direction. But with it, all the forces of the universe can align to make even the most impossible, possible.
Here’s an example.
Say my writing’s not flowing today, I’m frustrated with myself, and decide to procrastinate by watching Criminal Minds (My favorite escape).
That’s because I’m lacking intention.
I can easily change my consciousness by setting a powerful intention: “I’m setting up a desk in the garden so I can write 500 words a day before coaching a client in the afternoon. I’ll then continue being nice to myself.”
After that, I usually just drop it.
Contradictory? No, not really. Paradoxical, which is not the same thing.
Sometimes we set an intention, do the preliminary work, or get some way along and then find that actually, we don’t want what we thought we wanted.
Great! When that realization comes, we don’t keep driving ourselves on, just because that is who we once were. We drop or dissolve that intention, consciously.
A want dropped is as good.
Why not “let the want go” and HAVE?
Use intentions to transform the conversation around dreams from fear and doubt, to possibility, followed by action and results.
Given the unknowns and sometimes craziness of life, there has never been a more important time to dream and setting your intention is the first step.
It needs to be understood, to have an intention is different than to set an intention.
To set an intention is to act to make it happen.
To set an intention, nothing really needs to be done other than telling ourselves we will do something then act to do what we say we will do.
This act is deceptively simple but deeply powerful.
The most important aspects of setting any intention are clarity of the intent and actions to manifest the intention.
What becomes key to manifesting an intention is our ability to hold focus to create and the amount of energy we can put into acting to manifest our intention.
When Should You Set An Intention?
Personally, I set my intention every morning.
You could set an intention every day.
Your intention could be to work less and make more, or to find a new career that you are passionate about. It could be to get healthy and physically fit, or to spend more quality time with loved ones or alone. It can be specific and about something in particular or more like a quality, such as to be more relaxed or involved with life.
Intention can also give us fortitude for dealing with tough times. When you set an intention and then act on it to demonstrate your commitment, amazing things occur.
Setting Powerful Intentions
Before setting powerful intentions, I like to make myself a hot cup of tea and handwrite my intentions.
When you write down your intentions, be as specific, but not limiting.
Use as few words as possible, while at the same time making sure you are enthusiastic when you hear the intention.
Feel it in your heart.
Think outside of the limit from a place of unlimited abundance.
Ask for things that might seem crazy and impossible right now, but it would be awesome if they actually happened.
Allow yourself to dream to a whole new level.
Be open to possibilities. Feel it in your heart.
If you need help on setting intentions, you can download intention setting workbook right now.

Just sign up below and it will be emailed to you right away (yes, for free, and you’ll get all the content in my FREE library too!).
Breathe deeply, in and out, three times.
Most of the time, our mind is caught up in thoughts, emotions, and memories.
Beyond this noisy internal dialogue is a state of pure awareness that is sometimes referred to as “the gap.”
Allow yourself to just be. Notice.
Bring yourself into a meditation state. Meditation is one of the most effective tools we have for entering “the gap”. It takes you beyond the ego-mind into the silence and stillness of pure consciousness. This is the ideal state in which to plant your seeds of intention.
An intention is a directed impulse of consciousness that contains the seed form of that which you aim to create. Like real seeds, intentions can’t grow if you hold on to them. Only when you release your intentions into the fertile depths of your consciousness can they grow and flourish.
Once you’re established in a state of restful awareness, release your intentions and desires.
The best time to plant your intentions is during the period after releasing, while your awareness remains centered in the quiet field of all possibilities.
After you set an intention, let it go — simply stop thinking about it.
Intention is much more powerful when it comes from a place of contentment than if it arises from a sense of lack or need.
Stay centered and refuse to be influenced by other people’s doubts or criticisms. Your true self knows that everything is all right and will be all right, even without knowing the timing or the details of what will happen.
Relinquish your rigid attachment to a specific result and live in the wisdom of uncertainty. Attachment is based on fear and insecurity, while detachment is based on the unquestioning belief in the power of your true Self.
Intend for everything to work out as it should, then let go and allow opportunities and openings to come your way.
When you allow yourself to be hootless about getting your goals, the miracle happens.
The Universe is a gigantic manifestation machine that resonates with your intentions. Your focused intentions set the infinite organizing power of the universe in motion.
Trust that infinite organizing power to orchestrate the complete fulfilment of your desires. Don’t listen to the voice that says that you have to be in charge, that obsessive vigilance is the only way to get anything done. The outcome that you try so hard to force may not be as good for you as the one that comes naturally. You have released your intentions into the fertile ground of pure potentiality, and they will bloom when the season is right.
Use intentions to transform the conversation around dreams from fear and doubt, to hope and possibility, followed by action and results.
If you’re interested to dig deeper, browse all the content in my FREE library.

Now you.
What are the things that would radically change your life forever? Could you ask for them and setting powerful intentions to make them happen?
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