Last Updated on August 18, 2020 by Ade Aprilia
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So, you’re in the search of Sedona Method review, I get that.
If you haven’t noticed, I’ve mentioned the Sedona Method more than a few times in past articles.
(Okay, who are we kidding, you totally noticed. 😅)
That’s one of the reasons I feel like it’s time to write a comprehensive review of it.
Here’s my direct first-hand experience with the method.
First of. . .
This is going to be a long review. So pull up a chair, grab your favorite drink, and get comfy.

- We All Want The Best That Life Has To Offer…
- So You Heard About The Sedona Method
- What Is The Sedona Method?
- Try The Method Now
- How To Apply The Method
- Why Even Bother With "Letting Go?"
- My A-HA Moment — Basically My Sedona Method Review
- Who Created The Sedona Method
- Who Teaches And Develops The Sedona Method
- How I Have Personally Benefited
- So, Here Is How The Method Has Helped Me
- I'm A Much, Much Better Person These Days
- How To Learn The Sedona Method
- Here's My Gift To You
We All Want The Best That Life Has To Offer…
But how many days do you wake up feeling like you’re a hamster on a wheel?
You brush your teeth, take a shower, drink your coffee, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch television, go to bed, and rinse and repeat.
Despite traveling the world, having fulfilling relationships, building financial security, developing satisfying careers, breaking nasty habits, and enjoying good health, we live our lives in a little bubble because we feel safe there.
Staying safe means being resistant to any real transformation.
Until one day… We really got burned.
We found ourselves on the verge of a breakup and no job.
Our head went into a tailspin worrying about what we would do or where we would go and why this was happening.
It doesn’t matter that we’ve changed our circumstances; the end result is always the same: we feel empty and lost and alone.
Been there. Done that.
You may face unexpected challenges. We all do. But changing your mindset won’t guarantee that everything will be okay.
That’s why you’re starting to find an alternative that can help you create a life that feels more fulfilling and less empty.
That’s when you found the Sedona Method.
(Yes, I have a psychic ability. NOT. That was just my own direct experience.)
So You Heard About The Sedona Method
If you go to The Sedona Method’s website, you will see the description that The Sedona Method is a unique, simple, powerful, easy-to-learn, and duplicate technique that shows you how to uncover your natural ability to let go of any painful or unwanted feeling in the moment.
The website also claims that as you work with The Method, it will give you much more than you bargained for or even dreamed possible:
- What happens may surprise you
- Release even long-standing problems
- Become more aware and more successful
The question foremost in anyone’s mind who is exploring the Method is:
- “Does this program work?”
- “Can a series of simple questions you ask yourself effortlessly drop feelings, thoughts, and beliefs that no longer serve you?”
- “Will it truly bring me lasting happiness, success, love, peace, and emotional well-being?”
The short answer to that question, for me personally, is yes. It really did all that it claims. And no, it’s not a scam.
Therefore, please read on to see the details of this review.
What Is The Sedona Method?

The Sedona Method is a program that teaches you a simple technique to let go of any painful feelings and emotions.
While simple, the method can be beautiful and very profound.
It doesn’t try to make you push away sensation, which is actually a form of suppression or avoidance.
If you notice, by refusing to let the pain does what it needs to do and holding all the garbage in your head about it, you’re creating extra tension there.
I love that Sedona Method shows us that releasing is natural.
And if you pay attention, you’ll notice that most feelings come and go quite easily if you do not repress them or attach to them in some way.
To let go is to just stop holding, it’s sort of a non-doing.
The only reason a feeling sticks around is that we don’t allow it to be felt and then flow out.
The analogy for letting go is dropping a pen.
The hand represents your awareness, and the pen represents the feelings.
You have to be holding on to a pen for it to stay in your hand.
THAT actually requires effort, but if you do it long enough, it feels natural and automatic.
And you start to think that the pen is you.
And your hand is starting to hurt.
The pen is not you. You can simply drop it and let go.
The method is a deceptively simple process—one of those things you might say, “That’s it?” when someone describes it to you.
Well, as we all know…
There is power in simplicity, though, and it can get you back in touch with a more natural and healthy way to relate to your experience.
Try The Method Now
If you want to taste how the method works, download this free guided audio I made for you so you can clear the subconscious blocks that
How To Apply The Method
Initially, The Sedona Method focuses on letting go of negative feelings, the ones that cause problems for us in life, like apathy, grief, fear, lust, anger, and pride.
It begins from a place of welcoming, fully accepting whatever you are experiencing.
This experiment really opens things up, and we start seeing what is going on at a deeper level.
From this place, we can “let go” of our grip, our grasping, personal agenda, and the need for wanting to control.
This practice has a very counterintuitive effect: liberation, and an increase in clarity, energy, and inspiration.
If you’re new to this, The Sedona Method consists of a series of questions you ask yourself.
These questions lead your awareness to what you are feeling in the moment and gently guide you through the experience of letting go.
Those 4 simple questions are:
- Could I welcome what I’m feeling?
- Could I let this feeling go?
- Would I let this feeling go?
- When?
It’s interesting that these four simple questions could be the catalyst for letting go of painful emotions!
But releasing is a natural process since feelings want to be felt and then flow out of our awareness.
The power behind these questions is that they invite you to let this natural process happen.
In fact, releasing is less something you do and more something you allow to be done. It’s a process more of allowing the emotions to leave than anything else!
Why Even Bother With “Letting Go?”
Most of us have the idea that letting go sounds apathetic, or defeated. I used to think that way, too.
Surprisingly, that’s really not what is at work here.
The method is definitely one of the simpler yet powerful tools I’ve come across, and I don’t mean this to sound like a commercial. It just happens to be a very significant foundation for me, as it had to do with HOW I process what I experience. It’s something that can evolve into a way of being more than just a technique.
Almost any physical, psychological, or “spiritual” work brings up a lot of emotion and energy.
You know what else does?
According to the National Science Foundation, our brains produce as many as 50,000 thoughts per day.
95% of these thoughts—including ideas, images, plans, decisions, principles, concepts, insights, perceptions—are repeated daily and reflect the mindset or beliefs we hold that lead to those 50,000 thoughts.
How tiring is that!?
Whatever your default setting is for how you process this energy—whether you resist it, get agitated by it, get consumed by it, deny it, and so on, plays an enormous role in both your physical and mental state.
Your mindset, in turn, governs your actions, which lead to your decisions in life.
In short, if you have a mindset that limits your potential, then you will likely accept limited results in your life.
That was certainly a good enough reason for me to give “letting go” a chance.
My A-HA Moment — Basically My Sedona Method Review
Interestingly, I began to see how almost every feeling I had could be reduced to anger or fear, and in most cases, anger seemed to be generated by a deep-seated fear.
And by seeing that, it has become easier to release any emotion.
I used to make an effort to let go. It had something to do with my tendency to control how things go.
But then I found an analogy that helped me to let go naturally.
Remember when we used to play ball on the beach when we were kids? I tried so hard to sink it into the water. How did it feel? Heavy? Right
So, the process of welcoming a feeling is a conscious decision to feel, a conscious choice to allow what you are feeling to be exactly what it is.
Who Created The Sedona Method

The man who created the Sedona Method, Lester Levenson, was an interesting character. I’ve heard him described variously as a saint, an enlightened master, a miracle worker, a salesman for freedom, and a shyster businessman from New Jersey.
From all that I can gather of the real-life Lester, he was quite likely all of these. One man described him as “a black hole, so egoless that nothing really could attach to him.” He sounds like he was quite a character and a remarkable man.
Lester’s story is a fascinating one, as it is the story of the awakening of a modern-day spiritual master.
You can read more about Lester’s life Lester’s realization and awakening here.
Who Teaches And Develops The Sedona Method
After Lester passed away in 1994, Hale Dwoskin was granted the rights to the name “The Sedona Method” by Lester and who probably is the most well-known of those teaching some version of Lester Levenson’s technique.
I’ve looked into most of them, and for me, Hale has proven to be the most interesting, the most helpful and the clearest, both as a person and as a teacher. He walks the talk, and I’m forever grateful for him.
I like Hale and his teaching style. He is a kind man, wise, gentle with most people and sincerely interested in helping them. He is fairly honest and straightforward. He doesn’t have any agenda and he sees everyone through Beingness’ lens.
I’ve benefited from all he does tremendously.
How I Have Personally Benefited
If you go to the website, you can read hundreds of testimonials from people who have benefited from using it. You can also read all the marketing material as well.
But one of the most powerful things to me has been hearing how the Sedona Method has benefited people I know, including my clients.
My very first experience with Sedona Method was interesting, to say the least.
I finally allowed myself to fully feel the grief and the anger I used to suppress. All this time, I tried to be a “strong” person, and I didn’t allow my feelings to “get in the way” (says my “genius mind”—of course). For the first time, I stopped, and just totally welcomed my feelings.
Things started moving…, it was doing its thing. What it naturally knew how to do when the energy was not being blocked by tremendous internal resistance to it.
So, Here Is How The Method Has Helped Me
- A permanent end to panic attacks.
- Less anxiety by order of magnitude (in other words, a lot!).
- End to lack of confidence and gain more clarity.
- Little—if any—concern about the future.
- Good news: I don’t feel the need to be a control freak, especially when it comes to life the way I used to.
- I survived painful break-ups that got me into depression.
- I never was diagnosed with depression, but I had the experience that I couldn’t get up from my bed for two weeks that someone had to feed me in bed. After working with the Sedona Method, I felt a fog lifting from my mind. It was strange like I had been living in a haze for at least a decade. And I never knew it.
- I’d never think that I could be recovered from non-celiac gluten sensitivity (which many call “gluten intolerance”)*.
- I had chronic vertigo* for a number of years, and I’m free from it now.
- I had an experience of bleeding like a regular period for a number of years. My doctor said at one point that he thought the bleeding would resolve when the anxiety resolved. He was right.
You can read about Scientific Evidence of the Sedona Method here.
I’m A Much, Much Better Person These Days
Using this method, I was able to let go of obsessive-compulsive behaviors.
I made peace with the mind. It cooperates more with me, and I no longer buy any stories that it produces to give me any pain, worries, and anxiety.
I’m delighted by the feeling of aliveness, awareness, and energy in my body.
I’m no longer living dramatically.
With that being said, I’m much happier to let life happen, to flow with life, to be a part of life rather than always fighting it.
I finally have a sense of what I’m doing with my life by recognizing the truth of who I am.
And lastly, for all the years I’ve spent in spirituality, I never really took the idea of spiritual awakening seriously. The releasing that occurred from doing inquiry was tremendous. I dove into inquiry from that point, which leads me to all the wonderful teachings I’ve explored since then.
And “best” of all, it has led to a fuller experience of what I truly am.
How To Learn The Sedona Method
The best way to learn is to purchase the audio program. The audio program is quite complete, consisting of 20 CDs of recordings of a live class. Hale teaches releasing from the basics to the advanced exercises. Moreover, he applies a lot of the material to the three areas of life that concern most people: money and success, relationships, and health and well-being.
You can also buy the book. Unlike many authors that wrote a book to sell their course, this book gives you everything you need. It’s more of a workbook than a read-through book. This is a book to practice and you’re encouraged to go ahead and try it, rather than over-think things. (Well, that’s why the method works. Because you take action to let go of limitations. Make sense?).
Once you’ve gone through the book or audio program and learned the method, you can head out to Sedona, Arizona, for a 6-day retreat with Hale. I’ve never been to Sedona but I attended retreats with Hale in Holland and some online courses.

I also took part in seminars with Annrika James and Tim McCavitt, The Sedona Method Licensed Instructors, in Singapore and London. I can’t say enough good things about them.
In conclusion, if you want to dive into a personal and spiritual development program that is as good, if not better, than anything out there, and lives up to its hype and claims, then go ahead grab the Sedona Method.
Here’s My Gift To You
In case you can’t tell, I love the Sedona Method. I use it in some form with all my coaching clients. The techniques are quite powerful and supportive of you at just about every stage of your spiritual and personal journey.
Now you have read the Sedona Method review, if you’re ready to create a life that you love, here are the next steps I recommend:
Grab Free Guided Audio: Moving From Pain to Peace. . .
. . .which will give you the exercises you need to let go of issues packed with emotional complexity. . .
. . .and create a solid foundation to change your life.
(yes, it’s for free!)
Now you.
Are you interested to try the Sedona Method?
Or have you tried The Sedona Method? What do you think about that?
If you have questions, hit me up in comments!
Did you find this post useful, inspiring? Save this pin to your board on Pinterest. That way, you’ll always have this info on hand!

Pssst… You can also fill out this form to book your Complimentary Sedona Method Coaching Breakthrough Session Call With Me
or to submit any questions you might have.
I read the Sedona Method book several years ago and did not do much with it at the time. However, some years after that when I got into the Oneness Blessing movement I was surprised that the main teachings were similar to the Sedona Method. Fully feel your feelings and they will leave on their own. Use the Oneness Blessing to rewire your brain so that it pushes your ego aside and then allows you to experience life directly via consciousness instead of associations to past experiences which is what your thoughts create. So I think I would get much more from the Sedona Method this time around.
Yes, truth is too simple and sometimes the mind couldn’t get it, but when we allow ourselves to perceive what is from our direct experience, it becomes obvious to itself. 🙂 Thank you for sharing your experience! It’s very helpful for everyone. Love to you! -Adelia