Last Updated on July 19, 2022 by Ade Aprilia
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The wet season is fast approaching, and it can be a challenging time of year for homeowners, as flooding and water damage are common problems.
It’s time to start preparing yourself and your home for the heavy rain.
1. Allow yourself to just stop.
Have you gone through something tough that makes you forget all the wellness tips you have learned to take care of your body-mind?
Do you feel tired and drained of energy for no apparent reason?
Do you experience intermittent pain or discomfort? Headaches? Fatigue?
We were all unprepared because we’re habituated to taking things for granted.
Life’s too short. Don’t let pain hold you back any longer. It’s time to heal from the root cause and in the meantime, support your body-mind while you heal.
Allow yourself to just stop.
You don’t need to do anything at all. Just stop and be.
Doing this often makes you stay ahead of the game. It immediately stops your mental noise, increases gray matter in your brain, and creates inner space.
Taking a break, a pause, a stop, is an option for us to step back, get in touch with ourselves, and remind ourselves what we are.
2. Start to learn how to let go of your unwanted emotion.
Letting go is a powerful, unique, and very practical tool that will dramatically improve the quality of your life. It’s a part of the healing I’ve done.
As a healing coach, I see people make remarkable recoveries, becoming healthy, happy, more fully themselves and creating the life they love –- often in ways they never imagined.
I’m using The Sedona Method to help myself and my clients let go for good.
No matter what’s hampering you from feeling great and having optimal health, The Sedona Method can help you make great strides in increasing your level of energy, relieving stress and stress-related illnesses, and letting go of pain.
Emotions have far greater reaching effects on health and well-being than many people realize. The Sedona Method helps you to let go of emotions that keep your energy tied up in patterns that result in stress, fatigue, illness, or pain.
5 Simple Steps to Let Go for Good Using The Sedona Method
- Focus on the issue you would like to feel better about. Allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling in this moment.
- Ask yourself: “Could I allow myself to welcome, allow, or be present with the feeling?”
- Ask yourself: “Could I let this feeling go?”
- Ask yourself this simple question: “Would I let this feeling go?” In other words: Am I willing to let go?
- Ask yourself this simpler question: “When?” This is an invitation to just let it go NOW.
Repeat the preceding five steps as often as needed until you feel free of that particular feeling.
You may find yourself easily letting go. Remember that letting go is a decision you can make any time you choose.
As you use the Method, you will find that, over time, your challenging situations will become less and less so for you, until you may even forget that you ever had them.
Check out my free guided audio to get started on how to release emotions painlessly on the spot!
3. Start a healthy and happy living
You can read 19 simple wellness tips to living a healthier, happier lifestyle here — all simple, easy things that can be seamlessly incorporated into your daily life, especially for the wet season.
4. Prepare your home for the wet season
1) Roof Maintenance:
One of the most important things you can do to prepare your home for the wet season is to ensure that your roof is in good condition. Check for any cracked or missing tiles, and make sure that your gutters and downspouts are clear of debris. If you have a flat roof, it’s essential to ensure that it is adequately waterproofed.
If you’re not comfortable climbing up on your roof, you can hire a professional to do an inspection for you.
If you live in an area prone to hurricanes or severe storms, investing in hurricane straps or clips is a good idea. These devices help secure your roof to your home’s structure, preventing it from being blown off in high winds.
2) Drainage Solutions:
Another way to prepare your home for the wet season is to implement some drainage solutions. If you have gutters, ensure they are properly installed and slope downwards so that water can drain away from your home. You may also want to consider installing a French drain, a type of drainage system that helps collect and redirect water away from your home.
3) Have a Plan:
It’s always a good idea to have a plan in place in case of an emergency. For example, if you live in an area prone to flooding, ensure you know where you would go and what you would do if your home flooded. It’s also a good idea to put together an emergency kit with items like food, water, and first-aid supplies.
It is also essential to have an emergency water damage restoration company on call in case of water damage. Water damage can be a significant problem during the wet season, and it’s essential to have someone you can rely on to help you clean up and restore your home.
4) Waterproof Your Home:
One of the best ways to protect your home from water damage is to waterproof it. This can be done in a number of ways, such as installing waterproofing membranes or sealants. You may also want to consider water-resistant materials for your floors and walls.
5) Get Insurance:
Last but not least, it is recommended to get insurance to protect your home from water damage. This is especially important if you live in an area prone to floods or other natural disasters. Again, there are various policies you can choose from, so be sure to do your research and find one that best suits your needs.
In conclusion, these tips help you prepare your home for the wet season. By following these tips, you can minimize the risk of water damage and make the wet season a little bit easier to manage.
5. Be kind to yourself
Treat yourself with kindness.
As you learn to have self-love and self-compassion, your life takes on a totally new quality that enriches everything that you experience.
If you’re having a hard time loving yourself, begin by simply loving the fact that you are unable to love yourself in this moment.
When you can love yourself in every situation — whether you’ve succeeded or failed, whether you feel good or bad, whether you’re enjoying life or hating it — you’ve taken self-love to the unconditional level.
There you have it. 5 tips to prepare you and your home for heavy rain.
Remember, be easy on yourself. You don’t have to do everything all at once. Do the things that you actually enjoy and refrain to make this list your another should.
Now you.
Which of these tips sound most enjoyable to you and where do you want to start?
Let me know in the comment below.
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