Last Updated on August 11, 2020 by Ade Aprilia
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“I’m not lovable unless I meet others’ expectations.”
“I am worth loving because of the person that I am.”
“ I won’t love another because of my fears of rejection.“
Ever made some early decisions regarding your own ability to love or to be loved?
I mean…we’ve all been there, right?
“This sounds too good to be true! And I’m buying it! O glorious love, here I come! Or not!”
Hold Tight. What Is Love?
Love was one word I didn’t often use, mainly because it’s so misunderstood and there are a lot of misconceptions around love. See above.
To be honest with you, I used to get so “allergic” with this one word because I thought love would trap us to emotional dependency.
We all think we know what love is—thanks to Disney and Hollywood’s relationship myths.
But true love is absolutely nothing like the romanticized version of love shown on TV and in movies.
Only through growth do we understand what love is.

True love is not even an emotion—energy in motion.
But most of us look at love on the surface:
“I love you because you’re nice to me. And I love you because you accept my flaws. I love you because you tolerate me. I love you because you’re beautiful. Oh, I love you because you’re rich. I love you because I feel you complete me. I love you because you’re this and that.”
But that’s not real love. That’s a barter!
What most people call love is simply a need.
If we say, “I love this person but not the other,” we feel that we need this person, and therefore we’ll be nice to this person so that we can get what we want.
Human love is that which most people think love is: you give me approval and I give you approval.
Real, divine love, however, is a constant, persistent acceptance of all beings in the Universe, and loving them because they are the way they are.
Divine love is allowing the other one to be the way the other one wants to be.
Divine love is seeing and accepting everyone equally.
Real, divine love is unconditional.
Human love is needing the other one. Divine love is giving to the other one.
Human love is selfish, divine love is completely selfless. This selfless love gives unlimited joy beyond our greatest imagination.
Love: The Misunderstood Emotion

When I started to see that, wow, that’s a big AHA moment for me.
No wonder I suffered big time because I misunderstood the true meaning of love.
Love is the most powerful energy in the Universe. It is the “purest” form of energy with the highest vibration and the greatest intensity. Everything in the Universe is a manifestation of love.
My teacher, Lester Levenson, had stated that real love itself is something we can’t turn on and off. Either we have it or we don’t have it, and with it, it’s impossible to love one person and hate another. To the degree that we hate anyone, to that degree we do not love the others. Our love is no greater than our hatred is for anyone person. He used to say that every feeling, except love, is a non-love feeling.
I think that this is the test of how divine our love is. Is it the same for every person we meet? Is our love for those who are opposing us as strong as for those who are supporting us?
Hale Dwoskin, the New York Times best-selling author of “The Sedona Method“, softened it a little bit. The way he expresses it is, all feelings, except love, are simply love in disguise. Because as you let go, you’ll discover that no matter how angry you are at someone, no matter how upset you are, you’re back in touch with the love that you are.
This love is already right within you waiting to be discovered, nurtured and expressed by you.
I don’t ask you to believe in this. Please don’t buy anything I say unless it becomes your living experience or else it begins to be just another belief. Simply be open to it, take it for checking, and discover this for yourself. It’s worth to check because (real) love is an absolutely necessary ingredient on the path.
Love Is Not A Barter

Many of us are celebrating life with love, giving, and being with those we care about.
Yet on many levels, the world is in a state of high anxiety, stress, and anger.
One of the reasons for this is because we think love is a barter.
Not only that, when a loved one is faced with pain, we want to comfort them with words. But words can also have a negative effect if spoken without thinking first or full of emotion-charged. We want to control their experience. We want to force our beliefs because we think we know what’s best for them.
If we identify with them, of course, we don’t want to hear what we’re going to say anyway. Compassion is understanding what the others are experiencing without sharing their misery and with a wish to promote its alleviation.
A great place to start is to evoke the power of love by bringing positive change for ourselves, the people we care about, and the entire human community.
Love is only understood when you love. When we fully love someone, we identify with them. We become one with them. And we allow them to be the way they are without any wanting to change them. We choose the attitude of givingness, with an understanding of and identifying with others.
Step by Step To Use The Healing Power Of Love

No matter what you’re experiencing in this moment, the healing power of love can help you to move beyond barriers and discover true lasting solutions on micro and macro-cosmic levels.
The following Sedona Method process is designed to help you and those you care about to liberate the love within your hearts.
You can do this with yourself and you can do this process with everyone you care about.
Ask yourself these questions and choose to lead with your heart instead of your head:
1. Could I allow myself to welcome any non-love feeling I’m experiencingin this moment?
2. Could I let that feeling go? Could I simply turn it to love as best I can?
3. Could I allow the healing energy of love to flow from my heart into my body, mind, experience, and the world as best you can?
Each time you go through these questions, they open you to a deeper and richer experience of the love that is already shining at your core. They will support you in feeling safe and taking courageous and appropriate action.
If you simply ask yourself with an open mind and heart, you’ll find the resistance drops with each answer. Your inner doors open and allowing the light of love to shine within you, through you, and around you.
It’s Your Turn To Invoke The Power Of Love Within You

I recommend you do this process not just with yourself but with everyone that you know who is willing to go in this direction. Think of family and friends, thinks of circles at work, think of organizations you belong to. You can use this process to create a strong loving community for yourself.
If you’re ready to face your feelings, let go of unwanted feelings, and learn more about yourself, you can begin working with the free guided audio I made for you or book your breakthrough session to move from pain to peace with me.
Both will give you the exercises you need to let go of issues packed with emotional complexity and create a solid foundation to change your life.
(yes, it’s for free!)
Now I understand what true love is, it supports me many beyond my wildest dream. I have the best relationships I could ever imagine and they continue to help me grow.
Now you.
Do you believe in the healing power of love? What’s your definition of love?
How do you support yourself with the healing power of love?
Got something else helpful to add?
Tell me in the comments and let’s get our chat on.
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