Last Updated on February 5, 2021 by Ade Aprilia
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When was the last time you allow yourself to feel your feelings?
Most of us think that if we feel our feelings, we will bleed to death with the pain of it while the opposite is true. If we sit with the feelings, it will unravel by itself and it will never come back.
Processing your feelings, rather than letting them build up until they drained you, will begin to shift and transform your life.
This is why it is important to learn how not to suppress your feelings and start to let go.
If your heart aches when you read this, don’t worry because you’re not alone.
I’ll show you how to let go for good.
Why You Need To Feel Your Feelings
If there is one thing that hits you in the heart, it’s grief.
Whether you grieve for someone who has died, for someone who is severely ill, or for a broken relationship, grief often plays out the same way every single time. It feels as if something inside you has broken and you are left wide open, a wound that cannot be closed.
There is a process to feel “closed” once again, and you have to allow yourself to feel those feelings — yes, even the painful ones.
The thing is, you don’t have a choice. You can buy bronze and marble statues from Memorials.com. You can buy the best, most expensive engraved plaque, and have a site of remembrance. You can do those things and none of it will matter if you refuse to own your feelings and let them happen. The effects of loss are a shock, but you have no choice but to go through it. It’s going to be waiting there for you and you have to allow yourself to feel the despair and the vulnerability. You need to remember that losing a person doesn’t mean that you lose your love for them.
It’s tempting to put off grief and ignore it. To let it fester and repress it. Do you know what happens if you allow yourself to repress grief? It bursts out of you without control and this is very difficult to handle as a human being.
Every feeling that has been felt and hasn’t been released yet will be stored in your subconscious mind and it will affect your life.
Remember this:
Feelings only lie. They tell us we are going to get from letting go of them what we already have from holding on to them.
Check out my free guided audio to get started on how to release emotions painlessly on the spot!
Allow Yourself to Feel Your Feelings
We build rituals and routines for loss into our lives, and we do this to help ourselves process everything. Some religions pack a coffin with goodies to send with the person who has passed away. Some religious people believe in Last Rites to allow the soul to move onto heaven. These rituals all come to the same thing: they’re there to help us to cope.
The way that we feel when we grieve is physically, emotionally, and spiritually painful, and we need to remember that loss is a normal and natural part of our lives. Loss in any sense is hard, and being able to acknowledge that loss is a strength of yours. You just have to feel every feeling — even the ones that make you feel you’re rubbing salt into an open wound.
The effects of loss can leach into our lives and we need time to process it before we must move forward. Forcing yourself to move forward doesn’t help you. Allow the anger, the sadness, the happiness at their peace — it all has to wash over you properly and you have to feel each feeling so that you can move forward at your own pace. No one can chivvy you along about it. Grief is as natural as happiness and love.
Mourning is painful because it’s supposed to be painful. You are supposed to miss people when they leave this life; even when you know that it’s a normal part of life. It’s complicated and painful but it’s the most natural thing in the world to go through. Give yourself permission to feel. It’s okay to feel grief; you’re allowed to take time to do that.
How to Deal With Emotions
You cannot master your feelings, but you can always let them go.
Releasing the feeling allows you to let go of the feeling itself. It’s the healthiest and best way to handle a feeling.
I use The Sedona Method to help me and my clients drop any unwanted emotion painlessly and effortlessly on the spot.
Each time you let go, you eliminate a bit of the repressed negative energy.
If you’re wondering how to let go, letting go is easy. It is just a decision.
Here’s how.
When any emotion arises, ask yourself these simple questions from The Sedona Method:
1. Could I welcome what I’m feeling?
(Welcome the feeling that you are upset, for example, and then accepting it. Just allow it to be as it is.)
2. Could I let it go?
3. Would I let it go?
4. When?
Remember: letting go is just a decision. If you have a hard time letting go, ask yourself: “Would I rather hold on to this, or would I be free?” — the answer is obvious.
The reason these questions are so powerful is that they’re simple, easy to use, and easy to remember. The words themselves are not a magic formula; they instead guide your awareness into the experience of letting go.
If you’re ready to face your feelings, let go of unwanted feelings, and learn more about yourself, you can begin working with the free releasing guided audio I made for you and book a breakthrough releasing session with me.
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