Last Updated on August 11, 2020 by Ade Aprilia
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Put on stretch pants and settle in. Or, if you’re short on patience today, you can skip right to the goods with this table of contents:
- Listen to Yourself During This Lockdown
- 80 Things To Do During A Lockdown and Self-Isolating At Home
- 1. Let go of any negative emotions using The Sedona Method.
- 2. Release all your resistance about this lockdown and the situation.
- 3. Stop and be.
- 4. Write handwritten letters to your loved ones.
- 5. Make a list of something you're grateful.
- 6. Bake my friend from Finland, Katja's homemade gluten-free bread.
- 7. Cook a new plant-based meal for all of your family members.
- 8. Have a home spa, self care day.
- 9. Have a conversation with your family members and enjoy it.
- 10. Feeling a bit cranky or just uncomfortable? Laugh out loud.
- 11. Wear soft, comfortable clothes.
- 12. Create something you love.
- 13. Read that book that you've been meaning to.
- 14. Write a thank you card.
- 15. Learn a new language.
- 16. Listen to something beautiful.
- 17. Finish something successfully.
- 18. Write a book you've been thinking about.
- 19. Create a vision board.
- 20. Color a coloring book.
- 21. Play with play dough.
- 22. Do Yoga daily.
- 23. Add some at-home workout to get shape.
- 24. Jump rope.
- 25. Jog around the house.
- 26. Dance to your favorite music in the morning.
- 27. Have a tea break.
- 28. Start journaling.
- 29. Create your own green juice recipe.
- 30. Make grilled pineapple.
- 31. Call your long-distance friends and family members.
- 32. Watch a funny video.
- 33. Let go of negative thoughts.
- 34. Be kind to yourself.
- 35. Wiggle your toes and fingers to keep your joints supple.
- 36. Be aware of the good things around you.
- 37. Pull out a board game.
- 38. Start a puzzle.
- 39. Have a The Lord of The Rings marathon.
- 40. Start a new show or catch up on your favourite Youtube channels.
- 41. Install a bird house in front of your window.
- 42. Check out FREE online event: the PhotoReading Binge to speed exceeding 25,000 words a minute!
- 43. Reflect on your accomplishments.
- 44. Reassess your goals.
- 45. Take an online course in something you have always been curious about.
- 46. Dig in all The Sedona Method programs to let go of unwanted emotions painless and effortlessly on the spot.
- 47. Pay attention to the things you are doing right now.
- 48. Spring cleaning your space.
- 49. Open your blinds and windows.
- 50. Clean your window.
- 51. Throw stuff out.
- 52. Fold everything in your dresser.
- 53. Wash your sheets.
- 54. Redecorate your bedroom and put some plants there.
- 55. Scrub your skin and take a long bubble bath.
- 56. Stretch.
- 57. Plant something and take care of them
- 58. Wash your hair.
- 59. Get some sunlight and sit in the sun.
- 60. Learn self-massage with oil.
- 61. Draw something cheerful.
- 62. Sit on a swing.
- 63. Make your bed when you wake up.
- 64. Unplug for a day.
- 65. Be alone and enjoy the silence.
- 66. Space out.
- 67. Mindfulness exercise.
- 68. Take a lot of naps!
- 69. Take a long shower.
- 70. Do a social media detox, at least for 3 days.
- 71. Cuddle with your pets.
- 72. Pray and surrender to Higher Power.
- 73. Practice acceptance.
- 74. Help out small businesses and order something online
- 75. Clean up your email account and unfollow accounts you don't like anymore on social media
- 76. Organize the files on your laptop and computer.
- 77. Stop checking emails and news obsessively.
- 78. Give some money away.
- 79. Give away something you're not using anymore.
- 80. Eat walnuts and walnuts oil.
- Keep an open mind; it’s the only way new things can get in
As the nation shuts down and loved ones huddle to weather what may well be weeks of coronavirus-induced isolation, it’s normal to feel sad, stressed, confused, scared, or angry during the crisis.

But taken from those of us who have been coping with the threat of the coronavirus, please know this: It gets better.
Check out my free guided audio to release your fear, grief, and anger painlessly on the spot!

I am holding in mind the best for you. I wish you safety and unshakable inner security as well as the wisdom to take care of yourself and those you care about in this uniquely challenging time.
You already have the tools within you to make it through to the other side in better shape then when you started. As you let go and look beyond the surface events, you will discover that all is well even when it does not appear that way.
I learned a long time ago from my teacher, Lester Levenson, to see the perfection where the seeming imperfection seems to be and be thankful for the opportunity to grow.
At your core you are already boundless light, peace, and joy. This is your natural state. May this become your living experience now.
Listen to Yourself During This Lockdown

I know most of you are VERY SLOW right now, so why not take the opportunity to go inside to grow?
In this exact moment, let’s keep our minds and bodies healthy by staying positive.
Take time to slow down life, simplify your daily needs, and do little inner work while we give the world a chance to catch its breath. Listen to our gut and be as intentional as we can with our decisions as we go.
If you need to take a step back and focus on taking care of yourself and your family? Do that.
If you want to continue to sell and promote your services and products in a way that feels respectful at this time? Do that.
If you need to reach out for support in the face of this crisis? You can do that too.
If you feel really out of control…
I invite you to book your complimentary session with me.
Having a healing coach to help you release your fear and panic in this challenging time can be really helpful to manage your coronavirus anxiety.
80 Things To Do During A Lockdown and Self-Isolating At Home

Since we may have a lot of extra time at home for our safety and hopefully help flatten the curve of this pandemic too, let’s take time to reflect and connect with ourselves.
Here are 80 things to do during a lockdown and when you’re bored at home!
ps. Remember to allow yourself to just stop and be before you do these activities to stop all the mental clutter, worry, and anxiety that may be there.
1. Let go of any negative emotions using The Sedona Method.

The Sedona Method is a unique, simple, powerful, easy-to-learn, and duplicate technique that shows you how to uncover your natural ability to let go of any painful or unwanted feeling in the moment.
If you struggle with letting go and you’re not familiar with The Sedona Method, then read this post. I share why I love the Sedona Method to help me feel freer from my emotions.
Click here to get access to free online 6-day live video event, beginning August 10
2. Release all your resistance about this lockdown and the situation.
I made a video on how to release resistance.
You can use it to release any resistance to anything.
3. Stop and be.

If the mind yells, “This is important! And this is important! You need to worry about this! And this! And this!”, put your hand on your heart and say, “No. This is what’s important.”
Sit in quiet and just stop. You don’t need to do anything at all. Just stop and be.
Doing this often makes you stay ahead of the game. It immediately stops your mental noise, increases gray matter in your brain, and creates inner space.
4. Write handwritten letters to your loved ones.

We all need a little extra love right now! Why don’t we express love and gratitude to our loved ones?
If you want to learn the real meaning of love, then you need to read this post. I share how I found the true meaning of love and that changed the dynamics of all my relationships where both my loved ones and I feel loved, heard, respected, and appreciated.
5. Make a list of something you’re grateful.

At least, write 3 things every day without turning it into another chore.
If you’re looking for emotional relief, I recommend starting each day with journaling and simplify your journaling experience with Journey App.
You can read the review of Journey app in this post. I share all the way the benefit of journaling for emotional healing.
6. Bake my friend from Finland, Katja’s homemade gluten-free bread.

7. Cook a new plant-based meal for all of your family members.

With all that’s going on globally, it’s important to take care of ourselves and our loved ones.
Eating a plant-based diet improves the health of your gut so you are better able to absorb the nutrients from food that support your immune system and reduce inflammation.
8. Have a home spa, self care day.

Treat yourself to some self-care time while you’re staying home.
If you speak Indonesian, I have a lot of natural recipes here.
9. Have a conversation with your family members and enjoy it.

You’re going to spend a lot of time with them in this challenging time! Why not enjoy that instead?
If you’re feeling misunderstood or taken advantage of in your relationships, use The Sedona Method to release your emotions. Feel your anger and frustration, or sadness, melt away.
You will no longer have to worry about small disputes turning into longstanding misunderstandings. You will feel more relaxed, more capable of communicating easily to your loved ones whatever feelings you have.
10. Feeling a bit cranky or just uncomfortable? Laugh out loud.

Whether it’s sincere or not, it doesn’t matter. It’s a proven fact that it instantly makes you feel better.
11. Wear soft, comfortable clothes.

Studies have shown clothing comfort can effect understanding and performance.
Comfortable clothes also helps the body to breathe and allows you to relax.
12. Create something you love.

Studies show that creative people are better able to live with uncertainty because they can adapt their thinking to allow for the flow of the unknown.
Creativity helps you see things differently and better deal with uncertainty.
13. Read that book that you’ve been meaning to.

My favorite books are “Happiness is Free” book series. These books will show you how to easily liberate the happiness, peace, and joy that is waiting to be discovered right within you.
These books are designed to help you discover the Truth of what you are and how to live this truth in your life.
Each phrase from Lester is designed to be pondered over and over again to take you deeper into the light and clarity that is at the core of your Being.
Oh, if you don’t know who Lester Levenson is, you need to read this post and this post. It’s about his journey to realize why love is the most powerful force in the universe.
14. Write a thank you card.

What we focus on magnifies.
Thank-you notes not only make the recipient feel good, they can also make your gratitude soar as well!
15. Learn a new language.

Duolingo helped me learned Norwegian (I have an amazing Norwegian boyfriend 😍) very fast!
16. Listen to something beautiful.

When you listen to something, instead of only enjoying it, allow yourself to be one with the music or the sound. See what happens.
17. Finish something successfully.

It doesn’t have to be a big project. It can be as simple as make up your bed. It can improve your mood and encourage you to do another task with ease.
18. Write a book you’ve been thinking about.

Just a reminder, the first step is to decide whether you really want to write a book or not.
Writing a book is a big commitment, and if you don’t really like writing, it’s a lot of work that can trigger resistance. I have written more than 100 books and I’m a best-selling author in my country and I teach a lot of students to write books, so I’m speaking from experience.
If you really want to do it but still facing resistance, refer to the video above about resistance.
19. Create a vision board.

Fill it with things that inspire you or leave you feeling happy.
20. Color a coloring book.

Adult coloring pages is a fun challenge and something you can lose yourself in.
21. Play with play dough.

Using playdough is a calming activity. You can work their stress out through your hands, so play dough is not only loads of fun but can be another useful way to help you to release stress.
22. Do Yoga daily.

I love Yoga with Adriene and finished a lot of challenges with her in the past.
23. Add some at-home workout to get shape.

You can fit in workouts at home when you have time and work out in shifts if you need to.
24. Jump rope.

Did you know that jump rope can help decrease foot and ankle injuries? So yeah.
Skipping rope every day for a limited period of time and at a fixed pace will also help you burn calories. Because you and I know the effects of staying home without moving…
25. Jog around the house.

If you want to go in a walk, take a short walk. It’s better than no move at all.
26. Dance to your favorite music in the morning.

Do it for at least 30 days and see what happens!
27. Have a tea break.

My favorite is Sakura Teatox.
Even the name makes me feel at ease. (My boyfriend kept chanting, “Sakura Teatox, Sakura Teatox,” when I got annoyed at him because he’s so sure it made me felt at ease. 😂)
Use coupon code ADELIA10 right now to get 10% off your Sakura Teatox!
28. Start journaling.

Practice journaling on early morning hours.
You can find 11 letting go journal prompts to create a breakthrough in your life in this post.
29. Create your own green juice recipe.

Green smoothies are packed with fiber, keeps you feeling fuller for longer and regulates your body’s cleansing processes.
Again, if you speak Indonesian, here’s one of my best seller, and I have a lot of ideas here.
30. Make grilled pineapple.

Slice the pineapple in rings with the peel still on; don’t bother taking the core out, cut each slice in half and grill it on both sides until it’s golden brown.
31. Call your long-distance friends and family members.

When was the last time you told your family and close personal friends that you loved them?
32. Watch a funny video.

You may think the time you spend slumped in your pajamas watching cat videos online is wasted, but a new study has revealed that the funny clips you have been watching all this time actually make you more creative and have health benefits.
33. Let go of negative thoughts.

Remember, it’s just a thought, you can let that go.
34. Be kind to yourself.

Are you kind and friendly to yourself? If you’re struggling to love yourself, learn how to love yourself again in this post.
If you want to overcome the feeling of low self-worth, you can read it in this post. I share all the way how to build your self-worth when no one taught you how.
35. Wiggle your toes and fingers to keep your joints supple.

Moving your toes surprisingly can reap some health benefits. Perhaps most importantly, moving your toes and feet strengthen them and can decrease injury risk, according to the Harvard Medical School.
36. Be aware of the good things around you.

If you want to be happy, have a habit to slow down and enjoy simple things in life. Enjoy your meal. Enjoy the movie you watch (I know, it’s hard not wanting to change the ending, right?). Watch sunrise. Notice your surrounding, appreciate that, and be grateful for that.
If you’re wondering how to be truly happy, then you need to read this post.
37. Pull out a board game.

And be excited about that!
38. Start a puzzle.

1000-2000 pieces is a good start!
39. Have a The Lord of The Rings marathon.

Enough said!
40. Start a new show or catch up on your favourite Youtube channels.

If you’re looking for motivation to let go and ready to change your life, these TED Talks are for you. Each one of these speakers has a unique story to tell, along with inspiring lessons on how to let go and create the life you adore.
You can watch them here.
41. Install a bird house in front of your window.

I learned this from my boyfriend and we have more birds in the garden.
42. Check out FREE online event: the PhotoReading Binge to speed exceeding 25,000 words a minute!

Edited: The free event has ended but you can always learn about PhotoReading here.
43. Reflect on your accomplishments.

If you’re still having trouble to explore what you want in life, then you need to read this post. I share about how to understand your heart’s deepest desire and discover your purpose.
44. Reassess your goals.

Write your short term and long term goals using this method — your heart knows which goals are truly yours.
45. Take an online course in something you have always been curious about.

When we succeed in learning something, we feel better, more confident in ourselves, and our ability to tackle all sorts of new tasks.
46. Dig in all The Sedona Method programs to let go of unwanted emotions painless and effortlessly on the spot.

We are all either our own worst enemy or our own best friend.
We are constantly sabotaging our health, happiness, and success unintentionally due to our unresolved thinking, beliefs, and attitudes. Yet even when we know a thought, belief, or attitude is not serving us, most of us find it very difficult to change it or let it go.
The reason for this problem is very simple: our emotions color, create, and lock these limitations in place, making the limitations supposedly “real.” It is our emotions that either put us into action or prevent us from acting.
The Sedona Method will show you how to master your emotions, thereby mastering how you think and act.
You an explore the program here.
47. Pay attention to the things you are doing right now.

I used to sleepwalk through my day, failing to pay attention to the things around me. For some time, I never quite realized how blue the sky was or how good the smell of my morning tea was. I was so fixated on work that I was missing the best moments of my life.
And this is what happened. That event slapped me in the face.
We all live in our own little bubble. We all want to be happy, but how much would people pay for a moment of happiness?
Your happiness is determined by how you allocate your attention. If you are not as happy as you could be, then you must be misallocating your attention…
Allow yourself to stop and pay attention to what is actually here now. See what happens.
48. Spring cleaning your space.

Levels of stress can be reduced during cleaning your space.
A solid spring cleaning improves the air quality of your home and makes you feel better.
49. Open your blinds and windows.

Fresh air is generally a great way to rid your space of pathogens. Open the window to prevent viruses from spreading, and let the breeze blow those germs away.
50. Clean your window.

Lemon juice cleans windows and mirrors, and disinfects your cutting board.
51. Throw stuff out.

Why give away 50% of your stuff?
- It gives the most important things a chance to rise to the surface.
- You have mental clarity to choose how you really want to live your life.
- You can live in a smaller space without feeling frustrated..
- You discover that you are not your stuff.
- You learn that living with less is a blessing and not a sacrifice.
52. Fold everything in your dresser.

If you want to attain your full potential, keep your life free of clutter.
Think about it. When your room is messy, you become lazy and maybe depressed.
Clean space clears your mental clutter, give clarity of the mind so you become more positive and open to possibilities.
53. Wash your sheets.

In a very short amount of time your sheets get covered with dead skin cells, oils from the skin, and sweat. This can make for a dust mite paradise.
This makes washing your sheets and other bedding important.
54. Redecorate your bedroom and put some plants there.

Houseplants help to cleanse your indoor air. They’re also pretty so they can improve your mood and creativity.
55. Scrub your skin and take a long bubble bath.

Bathing can help promote better circulation, encourage mindfulness, and relax our muscles so that we sleep better.
So what are you waiting for? You’ve earned some peace and relaxation.
56. Stretch.

Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints.
Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way.
57. Plant something and take care of them

Not only does planting something new contribute to your overall health and well-being, it can also help improve and protect your environment.
58. Wash your hair.

The health of your scalp directly translate to the health of your hair.
59. Get some sunlight and sit in the sun.

Moderate sunlight exposure helps improve your mood and focus by boosting the serotonin levels in your body.
Strong association studies have found that Vitamin D is very important in signaling the immune system. This habit helps strengthen the immune system.
60. Learn self-massage with oil.

When you combine warm oil with massage strokes, it promotes overall health and wellness. It can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, improve skin health, reduce muscle stiffness, and promotes lymphatic drainage.
61. Draw something cheerful.

Because we have something to say, because we want to connect with people, because we have a smile to share.
62. Sit on a swing.

Studies show that rocking and other physical movement through space helps brain development and the ability to pay attention, by stimulating the vestibular (inner ear) system. We became calmer and happier.
It’s the simplest of soothing, sleep-inducing remedies.
63. Make your bed when you wake up.

If you make your bed every morning, you’ll feel that you have accomplished the first task of the day. It will lower your stress level, improve your mood, and encourage you to do another task with ease. You feel in charge that you can handle anything.
64. Unplug for a day.

Take time to reconnect with yourself by unplugging from social and work-related technology.
65. Be alone and enjoy the silence.

Studies have found that those who are comfortable being alone with themselves in silence are happier overall and have better mental health.
Silence allows our prefrontal cortexes — our brains’ “attention centers” — to relax and restore.
66. Space out.

Spacing out from time to time is beneficial for your psychological health, particularly when it comes to tasks that require abstract thinking or creativity.
67. Mindfulness exercise.

Pay attention to your breathing from time to time, and then expand your focus to include everything you hear, see, feel, and think.
68. Take a lot of naps!

In a recent study, researchers say napping two or three times a week might be good for your heart health.
69. Take a long shower.

When you have a cold shower in the morning, it activates the hormone norepinephrine in your body that sets you up in a high performing level.
It’s also so important to go to bed clean to have better sleep.
70. Do a social media detox, at least for 3 days.

If you take a social media break, it will improve your mood.
71. Cuddle with your pets.

The act of holding and stroking your pet creates a calming effect and helps you focus on the present moment.
72. Pray and surrender to Higher Power.

Things never turn out the way you think they will. So why not just letting go of wanting to control things and surrender to the Power that is the way?
73. Practice acceptance.

When we experience acceptance, we have and enjoy everything as it is. We have no need to change anything. It just is, and it’s okay. It’s beautiful just as it is. Life is joyous.
Whatever happens doesn’t disturb our inner peace.
74. Help out small businesses and order something online

These are uncertain times. The spread of the global pandemic has undoubtedly affected the economy.
Small businesses are important to the economic and social fabric of our society, we need them, and we all play a part in their survival.
75. Clean up your email account and unfollow accounts you don’t like anymore on social media

It’s not unusual for some people to have hundreds or even thousands of UNREAD emails in their inboxes. It’s time to stop the madness.
And when you open up social media and start to have negative feelings, then it’s time to change.
76. Organize the files on your laptop and computer.

Go through all your documents and delete any that you no longer need. Remove old files. Delete movies once watched. Clean out your downloads. Let go of the “just in case” syndrome.
77. Stop checking emails and news obsessively.

News conditions us to believe that we’re unsafe in our homes and communities and doomed to a plethora of diseases.
Everything in your immediate reality is fine but it turns out really bad when you watch the news. It’s just business and motivated by profit. Bad news earns better ratings than good news, and sponsors need you to feel pain and inadequacy to motivate you to buy.
You’ll want to keep informed — especially if you have loved ones in affected countries — but remember to focus on the things that are positive in your life and things you have control over.
If you still feel anxious because of the pandemic situation, then you need to read this post. I share all the ways about how to break the coronavirus anxiety cycle and stay calm.
78. Give some money away.

What you give out comes back to you. The love you give gets reciprocated to you.
If you feel afraid about your money situation in difficult times, chances are you may have what we call limiting beliefs about money, and not even know it! You want to read this post. I share all the ways about how to heal your relationship with money,
79. Give away something you’re not using anymore.

If you don’t wear those clothes anymore, you should give them away.
If you want to experience all the benefits of a clutter-free life, 50% of your things is a great place to start.
Once you start moving from room to room and removing the things that don’t matter and that you don’t care about, you’ll reach the half way point sooner than you think. You can probably do an initial sweep and box up 10-15% of your stuff and not even notice it’s missing.
80. Eat walnuts and walnuts oil.

According to Penn State University, they may prepare the body to deal better with stress
Keep an open mind; it’s the only way new things can get in
If there is a silver lining to this pandemic, it is that it serves as a reminder that we are all connected.
Remember to always think about the things that matter most, appreciate your health and your loved ones, be grateful for our own company, and let go of every unwanted emotion that shows up along the way.
This is the opportunity to take a break, connect with yourself, heal your past wounds, and reflect during this self-isolation time.
Please take care. Every day brings us closer to when normal life will return.
I will continue to provide the programs you need to support you through this stressful time by converting many of my live events to virtual events. This will allow you to get all the benefits of releasing without leaving the comfort and safety of your own home.
We’re in this together.
Now you.
Do you have any other ideas for how to spend your time during a lockdown and self-isolating at home? Leave a comment below.
Did you find this post useful, inspiring? Save this pin to your board on Pinterest. That way, you’ll always have this info on hand!

These are fantastic ideas!!!!!!!! Thank you for sharing!
You are most welcome. I’m glad you found them useful, Shaunda!
I have a cheeky little self-plug, if you don’t mind. I’m going to be starting Ukulele classes online for total beginners.
If you have a dusty uke lying around, now is the perfect time to blow the dust off and learn how to use it.
Thank you for adding this to the list, Mark. I’m sure my readers will find it useful.