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The entire world needs healing right now. As the World Health Organization declared Coronavirus or COVID-19 a pandemic, most of us are forced to deal with disruption.
It is very important that everyone is aware of what needs healing and how to heal.
I understand that it can be challenging to heal during this challenging time — and it’s normal to feel stressed, confused, anxious, or angry — but healing is possible.
Healing already exists all around us as a field, and inside of us, and it’s working way beyond what we know with our local minds.
And as you let go and look beyond the surface events, you will discover that all is well — even when it does not appear that way.
Check out my free guided audio to get started on how to release emotions painlessly on the spot!

In his play “Macbeth” Act 1 Scene 3 in lines 146-147, William Shakespeare said:
“Come what may, time and the hour runs through the roughest day.”
Yes, every day brings us closer to when normal life will return.
Difficult times always teaches us the most important lessons about life and growth. During this time, it’s wise to consider our mental health while going inside to grow.
This is the opportunity to take a break, connect with yourself, heal your past wounds, and reflect during this self-isolation time.
You already have the tools within you to make it through to the other side in better shape, but I’ll remind you again.

Where is the best place to start?
Releasing the feeling of fear and anger.
Peace and joy is found in letting go of emotions, such as fear and anger.
Sounds good?
Let’s get started.
If You Don’t Know How to Deal With Emotions…
. . .it costs you your health and well-being.
A lot of people don’t want to feel their feelings. They think it’s not easy to deal with painful emotions.
They don’t want to feel sad. They’re afraid that if they’re going to feel their sadness and their loss, they’re going to be lost in it for three weeks.
They don’t realize that letting go of unwanted emotions can be done less than 20 minutes, painlessly and effortlessly.
You can actually go through it and be done.
Through my releasing process, when the strong emotion arises, it’s gently dissolved to a level that enables me to continue to think, listen, and respond rationally.
I have experienced a great overall quality of confidence to deal with life because of releasing.
What Happens When We Don’t Release Fear and Anger

If you don’t know how to deal with feelings, you’re like to turn them inward at yourself.
Fear is a nasty beast. It can show up as tension, anxiety, nervousness, worry, doubt, and feeling not good enough.
You feel exhausted and paralyzed, leading to depression.
It may also lead to anger. The actions we take are mostly destructive to us and to those around us.
Here’s an example.
If you feel confused
And then, you may become angry that the situation has made you fearful.
Anger can show up as impatience, irritation, frustration, criticism, resentment, or bitterness. Your mind is noisy, stubborn, and obsessive with the pictures about destruction and what you’re going to do to others.
When we experience anger, our thoughts are about getting even, about how we’re going to make others pay.
This energy can frighten us, and cause us to force ourselves back into experiencing fear, even to hurt ourselves.
If you keep anger inside, roiling and revving, it hurts you. It makes you sick. It makes you ill.
These are all thoughts and emotions that poison the body.
What Happens When We Release Fear and Anger

When we release this burden, all the organs in our body begin to function properly.
More positively, when you realize you can release these emotions, you feel proud of an accomplishment and it helps you to feel self-confident. And this feeling can help you to generate positive emotions, such as relief, happiness, and inner security.
Releasing is a key to good health and well-being physically, mentally, and spiritually.
When you release fear and anger, it boosts the immune system and you allow your body to work harmoniously in nature. You work from your strength rather than your fear and anger.
As you let go of fear and anger, you feel safer, more secure, and at home whenever we are without feeling like we have to achieve safety at others’ expenses.
And when true healing happens, you can enjoy the peace that you are supposed to naturally have.
How to Release Fear and Anger

I’m using The Sedona Method to help myself and my clients to release any unwanted emotions effortlessly and painlessly on the spot.
Let’s put these fear and anger to rest.
Tools to Release Fear to Achieve Healing
Using the Sedona Method, I’ll help you to release any painful or unwanted feeling in the moment by asking a series of simple questions to effortlessly drop feelings, thoughts,
Step one is to make yourself comfortable and focus inwardly. Just allow yourself to stop and be.
Begin by bringing to mind something about which you feel afraid or anxious and see exactly what it is that you fear is going to happen.
Give yourself a moment to notice whether there’s a strong feeling of fear at the moment or a very slight hint of fear.
Now, ask yourself:
Could I let go of wanting this to happen?
Most people will judge this question.
“Oh, come on, I don’t want this to happen!”
Well, the subconscious mind doesn’t understand the words “don’t”.
If you don’t believe me, try not to picture this:
Don’t think of mango-custard filled puff, which had just the right amount of cheese, and a danish-like sweet bread with sweet cheese, and the flaky, chewy baklava. Don’t picture them coming out of the oven and the amazing smells wafting from the kitchen.
You thought of those sweet treats, didn’t you? That’s how our minds work.
So, ask the question again and notice…
Could I let go of wanting this to happen?
If you go back to the same thing now, you may already be able to discern a difference.
Let’s try again.
Focus on the same thing you’re afraid of.
What is it that you’re afraid will happen?
What is it you don’t want to have happen?
Stop for a moment and allow yourself to notice what comes up.
If you’re afraid of coronavirus, for instance, underneath it there might really be a fear of dying.
Now, could you let go of wanting that to happen?
Once you’ve gotten over the shock of the fact that you somehow “want” a negative thing to happen, it’s often very easy to let go of the fear this way, because, consciously, it’s not truly what you want.
Do this process a couple more time.
This will help you clear out the hidden recesses of your subconscious mind.
After you release something that you’ve subconsciously wanted to happen, you’ll see a tremendous difference in your life, including how you feel.
Tools to Release Anger and Achieve Freedom
Another big thing is we very often don’t want to feel anger.
Right now, can you sense how you resist the anger?
Step one is to allow yourself to be and set aside the train of thoughts for a moment.
Now, ask yourself:
Could I welcome that resistance into my awareness?
Could I just allow myself to resist for a moment?
Then, could I let it go?
Would I let it go?
And then, move to the basic letting go process.
Allow yourself to take a few moments and remember the last time that you experienced anger.
Give yourself a few moments just to be with whatever feeling this memory brings up in this moment.
Now, ask yourself a question:
Could I allow myself to welcome this feeling as best I can?
Could I allow myself to let it go?
Would I let it go?
Do this a few more times until you feel as though you are able to release some or all of what you are feeling.
5 Tools of Change to Accelarate Your Process of Releasing Fear and Anger
1. Forgive yourself and others
That’s including forgiving yourself for having anger and fear. Let them go.
2. Be kind to yourself
Nurture each part of your own being. Your health and happiness will thrive.
3. Be grateful for anything and everything
If your brain starts to freak out, ask yourself these questions:
What is that already perfectin this moment?
Can I allow myself to be grateful for that?
4. Practice giving without wanting anything in return and be open to receiving with grace.
It’s the most freeing, spiritually releasing, activity.
Also, one of the most giving things you can do is allow others to support you. This can be very counterintuitive. However, if you allow others to give to you, that too is giving.
5. Loving
I learned from Lester Levenson, the man behind the Sedona Method, that if I became totally loving, all my goals would just drop in by a mere effortless thought.
If we would Love all the time, we would achieve a very successful and happy life.
Why? Because Love is such a high state, and we are in tune with the Whole Universe, which is ALL LOVING.
One thing I notice when I worked with The Sedona Method, I’m always in such a high state and all loving, and it automatically brings up all the non-love feelings that are ready to be released.
Yes, Love vacuum cleans all the apathy, grief, fear, lust, anger, and pride that are still inside of this body-mind.
Use this energy for your advantage.
What If You Feel Out of Control…
I am holding in mind the best for you.
I wish you safety and unshakable inner security as well as the wisdom to take care of yourself and those you care about in this uniquely challenging time.
If you feel really out of control, I invite you to book your complimentary session with me.
Having a healing coach to help you release your fear and panic in this challenging time can be really helpful to manage your coronavirus anxiety.
Now you.
Tell me in the comment and share your insight and experience with this release.
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Simply amazing advice!! Thank you for your positive energy and encouragement
I’m glad you found it useful, Ines! Thank you for showing up for yourself. Love to you.
Very relevant nowadays especially in this time when everything seems to move very fast. Experiencing daily anxieties because of fear of failure, feeling of ineptness, unable to cope with expectations at work, incompetence of people you’re working with, lack of support. What motivates me is the blessing of having a happy and supportive family, my faith in our loving and nurturing God, financial security from my present work, good friends, and few colleagues who are competent, dedicated, and supportive of our current business goals.
That’s great, Eugene. We tend to look at scarcity, we look at what we still want or don’t have. But if you allow yourself to, you can start to discover the abundance that’s already there. It’s already here, it’s already now, it’s already available to you. And it’s already flowing through your life, at least to some degree. Because what we give our attention to expands in our consciousness, instead of simply pouring oil into lack, let’s pour our energy into abundance, into enough, into having, being, and doing more of what we truly desire. Love to you.