Last Updated on March 26, 2020 by Ade Aprilia

Happy Hew Year!
Blessed new year and divine greetings of peace, light, strength, and eternal beauty, my love!
It is no surprise that it feels good to start fresh, right?!
I’m actually not a fan of resolutions, but I AM a big fan of intentions!
How about you?
Science has proven that energy organizes around intention. Did you know that the words “I AM” are very powerful?
When you set an intention in the form of an “I am” statement, you consciously direct your focus and your energetic expression.
Whenever you say “I am“, you proclaim who you are and want to be to the Universe, to others, and to yourself – and God agrees and makes it so.
That’s why it’s so damaging to make proclamations such as: “I am unhappy,” or “I am fat.”
What you focus on… expands.
- Ask Yourself These 10 Questions To Have Blessed New Year For Your Business
- 1. How will I define success in the new year?
- 2. What projects brought me the most JOY in 2016 and what was it about them that I loved?
- 3. Which projects were the most draining for me during 2016?
- 4. What is unique about me and what I offer that makes me and different from everyone else? How can I better cultivate and share that unique offering?
- 5. Can I intentionally restructure my business model to allow me to do more of what I love the most? What would that look like?
- 6. What does the ideal workday look like? How can I begin to restructure my schedule to give myself more of these "ideal" days?
- 7. What is my current biggest fear in my business? What would it take to bounce back from it?
- 8. Are there areas of my business that feel inauthentic or unoriginal? What can I do about that?
- 9. Where do I draw the most creative inspiration from and how will I incorporate that into my work week regularly?
- 10. What is the BEST thing that could happen to my business this year? What are the first three baby steps toward making that happen?
Let’s Have A Blessed New Year
I’m excited to start fresh.
And my friend, I invite you to join me in imagining a new possibility for yourself and our world, and
Take a brief moment and envision a fresh opportunity for yourself and society.
In this moment, there are infinite possibilities. The only limitations are the ones we set for ourselves, yet through faith, anything is possible. With the power of belief, all things are possible.
This week, use the power of “I am….” to create the exact condition you want in your life.
Try these affirmations:
I am prosperous, creative being.
I am joyful and blessed in every way.
If you need help on setting intentions, you can download intention setting workbook right now.
Just sign up below, and it will be emailed to you right away (yes, for free!).
It’s Your Turn!
It is the perfect time of year to allow yourself the time to assess how last year went and how you want to move forward for the year ahead.
I’m sharing the 10 questions that I am asking myself as I begin a new year as a business owner! I hope that you will join me in answering these as well!
Ask Yourself These 10 Questions To Have Blessed New Year For Your Business
1. How will I define success in the new year?
2. What projects brought me the most JOY in 2016 and what was it about them that I loved?
3. Which projects were the most draining for me during 2016?
4. What is unique about me and what I offer that makes me and different from everyone else? How can I better cultivate and share that unique offering?
5. Can I intentionally restructure my business model to allow me to do more of what I love the most? What would that look like?
6. What does the ideal workday look like? How can I begin to restructure my schedule to give myself more of these “ideal” days?
7. What is my current biggest fear in my business? What would it take to bounce back from it?
8. Are there areas of my business that feel inauthentic or unoriginal? What can I do about that?
9. Where do I draw the most creative inspiration from and how will I incorporate that into my work week regularly?
10. What is the BEST thing that could happen to my business this year? What are the first three baby steps toward making that happen?
Get your free workbook to help you begin a perfect new year and know exactly what to do to grow your business.
Because…., did you know that studies of groups of successful, goal-oriented people have shown that people who write down their goals are approximately 80% more likely to achieve them than people who just think about them?
So I encourage you to sign up and print your workbook now.

Here’s The Key: Letting Go To Create The Life You Want
As you write those down, bring all the emotions you feel when you answer those questions.
Write down the disturbances as you play out that train of thought to the complete worst or best case scenario – if that were to happen.
Our next step to have the life you want is to let go of those emotions.
Because feelings are just feelings. Those are not real. Deciding to let go of your emotions instead of identifying with them is a deceptively powerful technique.
In addition to helping you become who you truly are, letting go can free you of even long-standing problems and challenges where nothing else has worked.
So, what is the most effective way to let go of things?
It’s really simple. You just ask yourself these four questions. The reason these questions are so powerful is that they’re simple, easy to use, and easy to remember.
When you ask yourself these questions with an open mind and heart, you can melt stress, tension, anxiety, and any other unwanted thoughts and feelings out of your body and mind on the spot.
Try them right now and notice what happens:
Could I welcome what I’m feeling?
Could I let it go?
Would I let it go?
The words themselves are not a magic formula; they instead guide your awareness into the experience of letting go.
PS. If you’re not familiar with releasing and letting go, you can read it here.
Now you.
Here’s to another year of doing business beautifully together!
How do you want to make a difference this year? Declare that here and share it in the comment below. Let’s make this shift together.

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