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Feeling like you’re broke all the time?
No matter what you do, do you feel that you never have enough money?
Are you not reaching the level of success you expect and you’re not even sure why?
If you’re reading this and you feel like your heart is aching, I want you to know that you’re not alone.
Chances are you may have what we call limiting beliefs about money, and not even know it!
Check out my free guided audio to get started on how to release emotions painlessly on the spot!

Limiting beliefs about money may hold you back from making different choices in life.
Have you been told that you’re not good with numbers, so you don’t even try to manage your money?
Have you ever ditched your dream job because you feel that it’s not right to be rich when other people are so poor?
Have you ever wanted to buy those pretty shoes that you have been eyeing, but you just didn’t, because you tried to save money as money is a limited resource?
You see, these limiting beliefs about money keep you from seeing different opportunities and keep you stuck focusing on the negative aspects of any circumstances.
The good news is that we can identify those limiting beliefs and let them go!
Today, I’m about to show you how to identify those limiting beliefs and heal your relationship with money.
Limiting Beliefs About Money

Limiting beliefs about money are REALLY common in our society and these are the reason why so many people are not as successful as they want to be.
These limiting beliefs cause you to self-sabotage, play small, feel insecure, have a negative mindset, and be careless about your success and happiness.
“But, Adelia, where do limiting beliefs come from?”
All the things your mother and father and society said about money became your money story. And it became your truths especially if you decided that you don’t want to be like your parents. Say what!?
Yes. Because the mind works in pictures and the subconscious mind doesn’t understand the words “don’t”.
If you don’t believe me, try NOT to picture this:
Don’t think of these delicious sweet treats with the fluffy raspberry filling sandwiched between two chocolate cookies. Don’t picture these perfect raspberry whoopie pies coming out of the oven and the amazing smells wafting from the kitchen. Don’t even imagine sprinkle them with icing sugar.
You thought of those sweet treats, didn’t you? That’s how our minds work.

And whatever you hold in mind, it shapes your reality.
Do these 77 limiting beliefs about money sound super familiar from your day-to-day life?
- Money is the root of all evil.
- It’s more enlightened to be poor than rich.
- The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
- Most rich people probably did something bad or dishonest to get their money.
- Having a lot of money will make me less spiritual.
- It’s not right for me to be rich while others have nothing.
- I have some resentment towards extremely wealthy people.
- I’m a good giver, but not a good receiver.
- Getting rich takes too much work, struggle, and hustle.
- Having a lot of money is a big responsibility.
- I don’t feel good enough to be rich.
- Money is a limited resource.
- I never have any extra money.
- Realistically, chances are I’ll never be rich.
- Getting rich is a matter of luck or fate.
- Getting rich isn’t for people like me.
- Striving for wealth won’t allow much time for anything else in life.
- To be rich, you have to use people and take advantage of them.
- If I get rich, everyone will want something from me.
- If I get rich, there are certain people in my life who won’t like it.
- Other people’s opinions of me are important.
- If I have a lot of money, it means someone else is going to have less.
- Having excess money means you’re greedy.
- I’m not very good in the area of money and finances.
- If I get a lot of money, I might lose it.
- Money is there to be spent.
- If I really strive for wealth and don’t succeed, I’ll feel like a failure.
- I have the potential for wealth; all I need is a break.
- This just isn’t the right time for me to start “going for it” financially.
- I don’t really want to be wealthy.
- Money isn’t really that important.
- I’m too busy to put a lot of time and energy into learning.
- If I become rich, that’s great. If not, that’s fine too.
- I don’t enjoy taking on responsibility.
- The only reason to work is to make money.
- I’ m not a strong leader.
- It’s better to get paid for my “time” than strictly for my performance.
- I’m already quite comfortable. I don’t need to push myself.
- If you’re rich in love, health, and happiness, you don’t need money.
- I can make it on my own. I don’t need help from others.
- If I ask for help, people will think I’m weak.
- There’s no use of earning a lot more money because I’ll just have to pay more taxes.
- Once I have a lot of money, I’ll finally feel secure.
- By being rich, I’ll prove myself.
- Getting rich is not really a skill you can learn.
- I’m just not “meant” to be rich.
- God will make me rich, poor, or middle-class.
- The investment world is complicated and hard to understand.
- Investments are for people who have a lot of money.
- Most investments, other than with the bank, are too risky.
- You can’t strive for wealth and be happy and fulfilled at the same time.
- Money can cause a lot of problems.
- It’s not right to make a lot more money than my parents.
- You can’t get rich doing exactly what you love.
- I can either make money or do what I love.
- Trying to earn money is a hassle and a struggle.
- It takes money to make money.
- People should only have as much money as they need to live comfortably.
- Striving for wealth can cause stress and health problems.
- It’s difficult to have money these days.
- Most of the good opportunities are gone.
- Given my past, it would be difficult for me to get rich.
- I’m not smart or intelligent enough to get rich.
- I’m not educated enough to get rich.
- I’m too young to get rich.
- I’m too old to get rich.
- As a woman, it’s much more difficult to get rich.
- I don’t like selling or promoting.
- I wish I didn’t have to deal with money.
- I don’t enjoy managing money.
- I don’t have time to manage money.
- I don’t need to manage my money because I hardly have any.
- Money corrupts artistic and creative endeavors.
- Financial security comes from having a good job and a steady paycheck.
- If you are not born rich, chances are you will never be rich.
- Rich people aren’t happy.
- If success comes easily, it’s not worthwhile.
If those limiting beliefs sound familiar to you, just know that it is just a story you keep telling yourself.
And you can always let go of the story and the identification of staying broke.
You just need to be honest with yourself. Don’t attempt to filter them as positive or negative because it’s just a story. It’s just your mind’s entertainment. So you don’t need to believe them.
I mean, have you ever thought that you’ll never be wealthy? Have you ever felt sorry for yourself that you’ll never have enough money to have a nice house or you think that your friends will treat you differently if you have money?
So check, is it actually true or it’s just a story sponsored by the mind?
Sometimes, these limiting beliefs about money came from our parents. So check again, were your parents wealthy? If they weren’t, then they’re not a reliable source of information.
When you’re aware that it’s just a broken record in your mind which doesn’t serve your highest and best good, you can always let them go.
“But, Adelia, how do I do that?”
It’s easy.
If you decide to do that, you can “let go” of years of mental programs and accumulated feelings in just seconds.
If you’re not sure how to let go, keep reading. I’ll provide you with the best solution at the end of this post.
Have you ever thought about money being an energy? It is.

You see, whether you realize it or not, your thoughts are energy. Your beliefs around money create your world, define your actions, and shape your reality.
Think about it. If you FEEL abundant, then you act abundantly.
If you feel like you are lacking, then you act like you are lacking.
“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
We treat money like it’s solid and separate from us. Yet, money is really just part of the one energy we all are. As we tap into this one energy, we discover that money and ourselves are not separate from this one living force that unites, enlivens, and illuminates all.
Are you ready to heal your relationship with money?
If you’re ready to break the habit of being a broke person and start living the life you really want for yourself, I have a solution for you.
I am so happy to be able to give you a Free Pass to the ReleasingFest: The Money Course hosted by Learning Strategies, beginning July 13.

Through the free-to-you ReleasingFest: The Money Course, you’ll learn to be comfortable with the natural flow of money and open the floodgates to lasting wealth.
Make peace with money and open to the powerful, peaceful, and natural current which brings more effortless ease!
Edited: The event has ended.
Now you.
What is your money story?
Are you joining me on a Free online 5-day event: The Money Course to explore your relationship to money and how to stop it from controlling your life and stealing your aliveness?
Let me know in the comment below.
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Hi Ade,
I love to read your articles. It is one of a kind, friendly, deep and honest. I like to attend your money course but it says ended. I wonder when will be the next one?
Hi Jenny,
Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate you. I haven’t planned to do the money course again, but I will email you when it’s open.