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Letting go.
Sounds noble, doesn’t it?
Yes, letting go is a very powerful skill in helping you become a more positive person.
Every time you let go, you’ll get more out of it and create more space for new opportunities.
Check out my free guided audio to get started on how to release emotions painlessly on the spot!

But for most of us, letting go process is anything but easy.
We cling to suffering because it’s all we know. We think those feelings are part of our identity.
But feelings only lie. They tell us we are going to get from letting go of them what we already have from holding on to them.
If this is you, you’re not alone. I have been there too. I held down a job for years before handing in my notice. I held on to relationships that didn’t work anymore. I thought if I tried harder, if I worked persistently, I could change the situations.
Until I realized that if I still clung to the past, I didn’t make space for the good stuff to enter my life. What’s ahead is just a long path of struggle, anger, and pain.
That’s when I decided I needed to let go.
Only by letting go, you can be free.

The sooner you realize you are blocking good from coming to you, the sooner you will let go and make room for it. You get what you focus on.
In my experience, the hardest thing about letting go is making the decision and feeling okay about it. The “what if this and that” will be tightening your grip every time you want to let go. But that doesn’t mean the sounds in your head are right.
Here’s what I know about letting go. The most terrifying part is just before you loosen your grip.
But once you let go, momentum will take over.
Decide it let go now.
It doesn’t matter why, it doesn’t matter how you’re gonna do it. Just decide: you’re letting go now.
If you’re not even sure how to decide, it’s just a split second decision like when you jump into a pool. You just go and gravity takes you.
So with this, the momentum of letting go will take you to wholeness. As soon as you make just a tiny little decision to let go, then the momentum grabs you like the force field of gravity — in a very very good way!
Let me share some of my experiences with letting go. After I let go of a position that didn’t serve me anymore, it opens a lot — I mean A LOT! — of possibilities I didn’t know were possible. I was able to write a lot of books and became a best-selling author. When I let go of someone that I thought was the one, I am now in a very fulfilling and harmonious relationship that I had never thought attainable!
Journaling can help you let go

Do you feel you haven’t been happy in a while?
Does holding onto the past cause you more pain, discomfort, and regret instead of happiness?
Are you constantly waiting for your situation to change, and for something to be different?
Do you feel that you are stuck or unable to move on with your life?
If this is how you feel, don’t worry, my friend. I have a solution for you.
Journaling can be a tool to help your process of letting go. It allows you to release any repressed emotions while letting you see things in perspective and be more self-aware.
I love journaling because it’s a measurable method to evaluate progress and record my gains.
Journaling has helped me find solutions to my problems, let go of things I can’t control, and change my perspective on the things I want to change but can’t.
Here are some benefits of letting go journal:
- It allows you to stop and reminds you of all the good things in your life.
- It helps you to see all the positive things you overlook because the brain is wired to scout for the bad stuff.
- It increases your level of happiness and self-awareness.
- It helps you relax and calm down.
- It reduces stress.
- It permits you to let go of emotions.
- It’s your own sanctuary because you can write anything you want and no one will ever judge you.
My Number #1 Favorite App: Journey

I used to traditionally have done journaling in notebooks, but I have moved on to bring the experience of journaling into the digital world.
If you’re anything like me and have all the good intentions of using journaling, you’ll love Journey App. The Journey App has more features than any other journaling apps that can take out the true essence of writing a journal from within you.
I talked a lot about my experience with Journey App, and you can read it here.
Plus, I have good news for you. I have teamed up with Journey to create a coaching program. It’s about Letting Go to Thrive In Life’s Most Difficult Moments.

Letting go brings you inner peace. With the help of this new coach program, you can let go of the grip of sabotaging thoughts and emotional baggage.
The program is divided into two parts to make it easier for you to process your feelings and let go of negative mental chatter. In this program, I encourage you to change your perspective by asking the right questions because we tend to see what’s on the surface without seeing what’s beyond any experience. Because every time you feel miserable, there is present an excellent opportunity to make a big step forward.

The first program is focusing on seeing beyond what’s on the surface of the mind.

And the second program will take you deeper into the process of letting go.
The beauty of these particular prompts is that they help us focus on the moment, be kind to ourselves, and have faith in our journey, wherever it may lead.
The goal of this program is you will find new and powerful ways to respond appropriately to what life throws at you, so you can create the life you have always dreamt about.
Letting Go Journal Ideas and Prompts
A letting go journal can be used to focus on the things you want to let go of.
Doing so allows you to keep track of positive things that have happened to you after you let go. Just as importantly, it’s something you can turn to during difficult times in your life.
A letting go journal will help you be happier and see the brighter side of things.
If you’re not sure what to put down, here are 11 ideas of Letting Go journal ideas you can try.
1. What does “letting go” mean to me? The words “letting go” make me think… and make me feel…
2. In what ways is letting go similar to giving up, and in what ways is it different to me?
3. When I finally be able to let go of the most difficult thing, person, place, idea, or dream I’ve had to let go of, I feel…
4. Today, I choose to let go of the things I can’t control, including…
5. Instead of focusing on the negative events, here are 3 positive things I’m thankful for what happened today…
6. I often focus on everything that is wrong. Today, I give myself permission to focus on something right, including…
7. I know all is well and everything is unfolding as it should because I’ve survived a lot, including…
8. I recognize that I don’t have all the answers right now, but in my experience, I’ve always been guided by The Power That Is The Way, including when…
9. Instead of worrying, I trust that no matter what happens, I…
10. I know I’m strong enough to handle whatever comes at me because the challenges I had experienced made me a better person, including…
11. Something good that happened that I wasn’t expecting…
If you’re new to journaling, take all the time you need to start pouring ideas into words. You don’t need to write anything lengthy. The important thing is that you get in the habit of thinking in a new way. By writing them down on a journal, you’re able to keep the focus on all the good things that have happened in your life.
Letting go journal is not about suppressing thoughts or replacing them with positive ones. It’s about directing your mind to useful thoughts so you can spend less of your life feeling anxious and overwhelmed, and help you feel calmer and more at peace.
Letting go gives you the opportunity to become a heathier you.
If you’re looking for emotional relief, I recommend starting each day with one of these journal prompts and you can find out more on Journey App.

You will get more letting go prompts in the Journey app. With constant guidance and access to fresh written resources from me and other Journey coaches, you’ll be able to promote a healthier body-mind.
I hope these prompts and Journey app help you as much as they’ve helped me!
Now you.
Do you have a story or writing prompts you’d like to share about letting go?
Let me know in the comment below.
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What a wonderful post! I feel like the topic of it came to me at the right time. I often have a hard time letting go – I think my solar plexus chakra is the one most easily out of balance. I love your prompts, so thank you for sharing. I plan to share with some of my students who have expressed to me a desire to write more and to let of what’s been holding them back.
I often think of birds or butterflies when I think of freedom, so my prompt would be: What would it be like to be a bird/butterfly?
-Nkem | http://www.wellspringwords.love
That’s great, Nkem! We’re always supported by the Higher Power for our highest and best good! I’m glad you found these prompts helpful, and you are most welcome! And thank you for sharing this post with your students to support them let go. I’m happy we can support each other to make the world a friendlier place.
Oh, and that’s a great prompt! I’ve always loved how birds and butterflies never feel worried about life, even during recession! 😃 And you see, their needs are always provided! Even my boyfriend’s family built birdhouses and put some food in winter for them! I mean, we’re human like a bird in a cage, with the door open, refusing to fly out!