Last Updated on June 14, 2020 by Ade Aprilia
Have you ever wondered why it took a lot of work to improve your life? We’re so busy struggling and striving and at the end of the day, what we get is only tiredness.
Before blaming anyone or anything, ask yourself first:
Did you hold onto emotional and physical pain longer than needed?
Carrying these burdens dictates the actions we take in the now. The more you do this, the less effective and productive you are going to become over both short and long term. You burnt out.

So today, I’m gonna show you how to create the life that you adore that…
- feels authentic just for you
- allows you to remove as much of your emotional resistance as possible in any situation
- shows you how to turn those struggles into something that actually helps you to transform you to be your best self
Ready? Here we gooooo!
But first, let’s dig why we unconsciously crave drama in life…
Because there’s this subconscious thing in our culture that tells us that drama is an indicator of love or passion in life. And if we don’t have it, we don’t struggle, we’re somehow lacking in passion or meaning in life.
I understand that there is a belief that creating and maintaining problems give us a sense of identity, define who we are, and give us purpose.
But just check through your direct experience, is it true? Are you your suffering? Are you your story? Or is it just a memory and it’s not here right now?
If we allow ourselves to let go just a little of our past and future regrets, we touch a little peace in life.
We all know a little (of something) goes a long way.
And if let go of a lot, we bring in a lot of peace.
In short, your emotional baggage will drop off of you, and the beauty, joy, love, and peace that are your true nature will shine through more and more.
In my experience, the world is a reflection of our combined consciousness. Letting go is an invitation to heal both yourself and your planet. It is a powerful, unique, and very practical tool that will dramatically improve the quality of your life.
Why? Simply because:
Instinctively, you probably already know this.
So here’s the reminder on how to improve your life!
1. The Power of Surrender

Enough is enough.
This statement may sound like you’re taking a stand or you’re being resistant.
But, no.
It’s a loving position to yourself.
Every single one of us has had the experience. I’ve had it. You’ve had it. Every person on this planet has had the experience where after enough hardship, after enough difficulty, after enough of getting nowhere, you just threw your hands up and said, “I surrender. I give up. No more. No more struggling. No more figure things out. No more. I just give up. Enough’s enough.”
When our back was against the wall, we had no choice left but to surrender.
And what happened?
Each and every time we’d done this, hasn’t everything just worked out just fine? Even perfectly!
Well, that example was force surrender, but that is the power of surrender.
When you decide that enough is enough — enough is enough with lack, enough is enough with money problems, enough is enough with health problems, enough is enough with relationship problems — you’re not fighting with it.
It’s not about apathy. It is actually letting go of your mind and letting go of the problems.
2. Deciding to Let Go

What is letting go, really
Letting go, or releasing, is a natural ability that we’re all born with.
Letting go is not suppressing or avoiding emotions. It’s not hypnosis or meditation.
Letting go is a conscious self-inquiry process that helps you dissolve your emotional issues without drama or dependency on anyone else.
Even though letting go is a natural ability, we get conditioned against using this ability as we mature into adulthood.
We live in a world that’s in a state of rapid change and not all of it is positive.
Most of us crave a certainty, security, and solidity (but guess what, we cannot find security outside of ourselves no matter how hard we try).
And one of the main ways that we create disappointments, unhappiness, and misjudgments is by holding on to limiting thoughts and feelings.
So many of us frequently get stuck, and we don’t know when it is appropriate to let go.
In this post, I have an intention to remind you about letting go to have the life you want using The Sedona Method
What interesting about the method is it is a simple tool to reconnect with your natural, already present ability, to dissolve whatever negative thoughts and feelings you may have, whether or not you are aware of them, so you can feel confident, calm and in control in any situation.
The method has been used by hundreds of thousands of people all over the world.
Deciding to Let Go Is One of Powerful Ways to Improve Life
Choosing to let go of your emotions instead of identifying with them is a deceptively powerful technique.
In addition to helping you become who you truly are, letting go can free you off even long-standing problems and challenges where nothing else has worked.
I have witnessed the following four tiny questions transform the lives of thousands of people in huge ways — sometimes over time, and sometimes in an instant.
When you ask yourself these questions with an open mind and heart, you can melt stress, tension, anxiety and any other unwanted thoughts and feelings out of your body and mind on the spot.
Try this technique right now and notice what happens:
The reason these questions are so powerful is that they’re simple, easy to use and easy to remember. The words themselves are not a magic formula; they instead guide your awareness into the experience of letting go.
As you practice letting go, you begin to break the solid identification you have with the emotions that arise within you from moment to moment.
This decision allows you to feel more peace and joy, even when things don’t go your way.
As you continue to let go of your thoughts and feelings in this way, you will begin to feel lighter, happier, more at home and at ease — both within your own skin and in the world.
And as enough of us choose to let go of our suffering, our stories, our made-up identities, our negative thoughts and feelings and our sense of separation — all that we are not — it is our sincere hope that the dissolving of our collective inner turmoil will also result in outward positive change.
3. Say The Intention

I invite you to say this with me:
This aim is a very courageous and powerful form of surrender.
When you dropped the negativity, released the stories of hardship, and trying to figure it out and banging your head against the wall, just say enough is enough.
Surrender to this:
4. Learn How to Let Go Your Unpleasant Emotion Using My FREE Guided Audio
Now you.
What do you think? What is your biggest struggle? Are you interested in releasing to have a wonderful life?
Any comment? Let’s chat.
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