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So many times, for so many years, I sighed, “I just want more peace in my life.”
OK, I didn’t sigh. More like, whined.
While some people seem to love living in chaos and drama, I crave a more peaceful existence — even when life throws so many problems all at once.
And then, after finally figuring out that I could have that — by letting go, just like dropping a hot potato from my hand without giving it a second thought — my whole life changed.
In fact, I’m quite happy now.
“But, Adelia — how do you do it?”
Glad you asked. 😊
Now I’m about to give you….
9 Habits of Happy People…
- What’s the difference between happy people and miserable people?
- The 9 Habits That Extremely Happy People Do
- 1. They learn to enjoy the SIMPLE things in life.
- 2. They understand that happiness is not found, it's created.
- 3. They acknowledge three things that they're grateful for every day.
- 4. They know how to let go.
- 5. They know how to stop and be.
- 6. They're living in the moment.
- 7. They align with their heart's deepest desires.
- 8. They practice self-love.
- 9. They give without wanting anything in return.
Check out my free guided audio to get started on how to release emotions painlessly on the spot!

What’s the difference between happy people and miserable people?

Even though it sounds overrated, I think we all want to be happy.
But how can we be truly happy?
Many of us confuse sensual pleasure or emotional gratification with happiness. We get attached to things like people, views, outcomes, or material possessions, thinking if we don’t have them, we’ll be unhappy — we may even think we won’t survive.
Yes, our society teaches us that if we achieve or acquire things that bring us pleasure, then we’ll be happy.

Surprisingly, even when we get all of those things we think we want, we still feel unhappy.
Why? Because emotions are temporary. Do you remember when you bought a new car? The first couple of drives were magnificent. But with each new drive, it became a routine. If you notice, our satisfaction diminishes after the novelty of a new car wears off. There was no excitement anymore.
At that point, you’d see that true happiness comes from freedom from suffering, not sensual pleasure or emotional gratification.
Happy people understand that. They let go of the things — thoughts, emotions, habits, beliefs — that don’t support them. I think this is the most important habits of happy people.
If you’re not as happy as you want to be, start by taking a look at your own habits and seeing where you can create a difference in your own life.
The good news is that, if you’re willing to commit to making some changes, you can transform your life. It won’t be perfect, and you’ll always have challenges, but you’ll feel a lot more sane if you stop doing certain things that don’t serve you.
Here are 9 habits of happy people that you can adapt to feel incredibly happy…
The 9 Habits That Extremely Happy People Do
We’re creatures of habit. But we don’t realize that we’re lost in habits.
If you learn to take charge of your habits and let go of the habits that aren’t serving you, it changes your whole relationships to emotions.
Here’s a list of habits of happy people that’ll help you get started…
1. They learn to enjoy the SIMPLE things in life.

Happiest people understand that they can enjoy life now. They pay attention to the world around them and appreciate that.
Some people may think that they can only enjoy life when they already have a lot of money, have a successful career, or be in a romantic relationship like in Disney movies. That’s not true. That only makes you move too fast and overlook your blessings. Happy people enjoy their life where they are with what they already have.
If you want to be happy, have a habit to slow down and enjoy simple things in life. Enjoy your meal. Enjoy the movie you watch (I know, it’s hard not wanting to change the ending, right?). Watch sunrise. Take a walk in the park. Pick the ones that work for you.
You can find more ideas here, especially when you feel bored staying at home.
2. They understand that happiness is not found, it’s created.

I think it’s important to realize that we can’t be happy all of the time. Different feelings come and go. And it’s okay. Because we are not the feelings and we have the power to let them go — if we decide to let go of wanting to give our power to the feelings.
You can decide to be happier by letting go of the feelings that make you unhappy.
It’s a matter of changing your perspective and when you change your consciousness about anything, your whole world changes.
3. They acknowledge three things that they’re grateful for every day.

The happiest people focus on what they have instead of what they lack. They cultivate habits of gratitude.
Everything you have in this moment is a result of everything that you have thought of. By maintaining focus on the things that you don’t have, you’re making yourself unhappy.
Gratitude is a magnet for miracles. Happy people are feeling thankful for their life and everything they have. Their lives may not be perfect, but in every problem they face, they see the good that came out of it.
No matter how many pleasant things you do, if you don’t learn to be grateful, you will always see things negatively.
When you feel grateful for what you have, you create those feelings of happiness.
Start by writing down just 3 things that you are grateful for in your life each day! You’ll start seeing the misery melt away!
I recommend starting each day with journaling and simplify your journaling experience with Journey App.
You can read the review of Journey app in this post. I share all the way the benefit of journaling for emotional healing
4. They know how to let go.

Happy people can let things go. They understand that life is a series of experiences that are meant to teach us important lessons. Rather than put up a fight, they let go of the things that don’t serve them anymore so they don’t feel stuck.
They learn to see problems and challenges as opportunities, instead of pondering over what’s impossible. They don’t let their emotions have a hold over them and dictate how they behave. They don’t control by the mind and recognize their mind as just a tool that helps them make sense of the world.
If you clinging too tightly to your emotions, what you want, or anything at all, you generate anxiety and send out mixed signals to the universe. Remember, what you focus on expands.
You are the captain of your own ship and you’ll only able to steer it if you can let go of your reactions towards anything.
Click here to get access to free online 6-day live video event, beginning August 10

5. They know how to stop and be.

Happy people gain inner peace by detaching from their ego and their emotions. They know how to just stop and be.
That way, they can easily connect to their intuitive knowingness and clear reason so they know how to fulfill their most basic things.
If you’re feeling down, it’s likely to come down to the most basic things. Your body isn’t getting what it needs. You’re not getting enough sleep. You’re not taking care of yourself by eating badly and resisting exercise. You’re neglecting your relationships. You’re not creating anything, that’s why you’re feeling like you want to destroy.
When you stop and be, you create space. You’re allowing things to be, just as they are. It gives you room to breathe. It allows you to welcome clarity.
And the more you surrender to that, you may find things start to get better and feel happier.
6. They’re living in the moment.

Happy people live in the present. Their mind doesn’t get stuck in the past or the future. They’re not dwelling on the past and they’re not wasting time worrying about what hasn’t even happened yet. They live in the now and find joy in every moment.
If you’re unhappy, you might not be living in the moment and you always think about the future and the past. Either you’re living totally in the past, like all the things you’ve done that were wrong or didn’t go well, or in the future, like all the things that could go wrong, all the things that could happen to you, and how you could lose the things you love.
Over-thinking what has happened and what is yet to happen can mean you may never drift off into a deep sleep so you don’t wake up feeling refreshed and re-energized. Happy people get enough sleep! You and I both know that lack of sleep can make us suffer. We get cranky, angry, and impatient.
Happiness is strongly linked to living in the moment. Why? Because the brain doesn’t really know the difference between an emotion you’re feeling right now, and one you’re re-living in your mind.
If you notice, when you think about a situation, you can have all of these feelings from back then come back — you can feel the anger again in your stomach or your chest. It’s like a cow. They eat the grass and they bring it up again, and they chew it again, and they swallow it again, and it goes to the next stomach. This is exactly what you’re doing. Vomiting it up and chewing it again.
7. They align with their heart’s deepest desires.

Happy people live their authentic self. They aren’t living for others. They’ve learned to listen to their inner voice. They let go of all the thoughts and feelings to the contrary and clear the runway for creation.
If you’re living your life to other’s people’s expectations — your parents, your partner, your friends, or society’s expectations on you, you’re putting up a false front and not doing what makes you truly happy. And then, you start to see yourself as a victim. How does that help you? It doesn’t.
If you’re unhappy with life or unsure as to how to proceed, it’s time to reevaluate your heart’s deepest desire.
8. They practice self-love.

The happiest people are kind and friendly to themselves. As they cultivate self love and self-compassion, their life takes on a totally new quality that enriches everything that they experience.
Everybody makes mistakes. Focusing on your flaws will only bring you misery. Rather than being hard on yourself and making the situation worse, simply forgive yourself and allow yourself to let go of disapproving yourself.
Allowing yourself to feel grateful for who you are — and what you already have and do — produces almost magical positive changes within and around you.
Learning to be content with your own company won’t just make you happier in the long run, it will also be beneficial for all your relationships because you’ll be able to understand others much more.
9. They give without wanting anything in return.

Happy people understand the value of giving and receiving. They are kind and care about giving back to others.
When you put others in front of yourself, whether intended or unintended, magical things just happen. If you can give without expectation, you’ve got everything to gain. Not only will it make you feel good and fulfilled, but it’ll provide you the leverage that you can utilize if the opportunity comes knocking.
So, there you have it. 9 simple ways to feel happier and wipe up unhappiness.
See if you can implement these nine tips in your day-to-day activities right now. You’ll start thinking clearer and having a more effective life instantly.
Know that happiness lies in your own hands. If you want to be happier, simply implement some of the above habits into your life and act on them. If you adopt the same qualities, you surely can get the same results.

Want more help letting go of your bad habits? Book your free breakthrough session with me now!
Now you.
So out of this list, how many habits are you practicing consistently?
Let me know in the comment below.
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All seem like such simple things, yet are so hard to implement in practice. The crazy thing is that these things are never even mentioned in school and yet are so important to being able to go through life and enjoy every moment. Hopefully one day these tips will become the norm for most people! Thanks for the post!
Yes, we realize these through the school of life, instead! 😄 I agree with you and that’s my hope too! Thank you for reading!