Because you don’t need to do this on your own anymore…
Feel like you can’t compromise with your life any longer?
Searching for help?
Worried about your future?
What if you had clarity, insight, and greater understanding. . .
. . .that gave you the freedom to do whatever you want to be, do, and have. . .
. . .for your highest and best good and loving yourself more?

Hi friend, I’m Adelia, a healing coach using The Sedona Method.
I help men and women to let go of limiting beliefs and unpleasant emotions so you can create the life you love.
I’m here to help you gently move forward and create sustainable success life
My 1:1 coaching program is designed for men and women who want to live in the now and be who you really are.
There’s more for you, and you are ready to achieve it.
My goal is to create a safe space that allows you to be exactly where you are now. . .
. . .and release any old stories, painful events, beliefs, and energy that keeping you stuck to move forward.
If you don’t know how to manage emotions…
. . .it costs you your health and well-being.
I’m intuitive so I naturally see and pinpoint exactly what’s been keeping you stuck.
With my simple and effective technique, I easily nail down the solution in a matter of minutes so you have a greater understanding and can quantum leap into the next level.
I hold a safe space for you to be vulnerable so you can start healing.
I support you from the place of love so sustainable happiness is possible for you.

I’ve seen my clients do incredible things.
Gain greater self-esteem
Overcome massive breakdowns, break-ups, divorces, and breakthroughs
Improve their romantic relationships
Manifest surprising effortless job offers
Get a lot of cash in the bank
Drop unwanted behaviors and habits
Lose weight
Let go of their addictions
Managed their time and energy better instead of doing all the things for everyone but themselves
Gotten the clarity and finally take inspired action
Begun to set boundaries from the place of Love
Deal with stress more effectively and let go of personal-life trauma
Get unstuck, let go of the past, and move forward in your life
Progressively achieve goals that seem difficult to reach
Started having INSIDE OUT Transformation
Achieve deep lasting peace
Why do you want to live in the now and have the life that you love?
- You are a smart, intuitive, creative, and driven individual
- You pour long hours, hard work, and a massive amount of heart to focus on your business, your family, and your life.
- You’ve done well for yourself so far but you’ve hit a plateau and can’t seem to get past it.
- You see that what got you this far won’t get you to your ultimate destination.
Are you struggling with that horrible feeling of overwhelm and a lack of clarity?
- You may feel that there’s a lot of room for improvement in some areas in your life – whether it’s your career, your relationships, your health, or just simply general happiness. But you just don’t have any insight.
- You want something to make the leap to the next level and you admit that you won’t want to do it all by yourself anymore.

Nura – Sidney (Australia), Jakarta (Indonesia)
“Lia introduced me to Sedona Method back in 2015 where I was mentally breakdown due to family issues.
Now I feel lighter, happier, and more creative.
Lia, with her patience, guided me to the method and helped me to release the issues that have been stuck in me.
I enjoy the present moment and I would recommend Lia as a professional releasing facilitator/guru. A massive THANK YOU to her. Without her, I could have been ended up with a high level of depression and mental illness.”

Here’s What I Do Best…
People hire me to get unstuck, heal their life, progressively achieve goals that seem difficult to
I love helping people get the most out of life.
I’ve seen my clients overcome fears, grief, anger, obstacles, and mindsets that have been holding them back for years.
I’ve seen them gain clarity and a greater understanding.
I’ve seen them give themselves permission to build a creative life and business on their own terms, in their own way. . .
. . .and by their own rules, take the leap and bring to life the dreams that they’ve been procrastinating on for years.
I’ve seen them find more fulfilment, joy, inner happiness, and ease in their life.
I’ve seen them live in the NOW.
I would love to help you do this too.

Jan See, Sedona Method Certified Coach
Here’s a conversation between Jan See, Sedona Method Certified Coach, with Hale Dwoskin, the founder of Sedona Method in The Netherland Retreat 2018 about Adelia– (yes, they’re talking about me. 😄)
Here’s What I Believe Is Possible For You
A wholehearted, fulfilling, and sustainable successful life.
And why? Because I’ve seen my clients create exactly that.
We’ll cut through all of the noise, explore all of your fears, self-doubt, and limiting self-beliefs, and do the work it takes to empower you to give yourself permission to build the life that you truly love along the way.
Throughout our eight or sixteen sessions together, I will support you to release all limitations and take inspired action in your life, move past the mindsets and fears that may be holding you back, and to cultivate a sustainable fulfilling life.

Barbara Kurtmann – Certified International Transformational Spiritual and Life Coach
“I loved the work Adelia did for me. Every time Adelia helps me, I laugh within seconds
I love how she helps me. There’s a moment when I had a headache and Adelia helped me so that my headache did not bother me anymore at all within seconds. I do not feel my headache anymore today. This is the first time that happened that my headache does not bother me anymore, thanks to Adelia.
I love when Adelia does a session for me, as I feel so happy, so good, and it is like I can take on the world with a whole new vision and light and life is just easy. And I can’t thank her enough, again and again, I so appreciate it.
I am so very grateful and I would recommend Adelia’s service to the entire world. You must have a session with her. She is amazing. Thanks again, Adelia.”
Healing Coach Is For You If:
- You’re struggling to move forward in life, or you’re struggling to even get started in the first place
- You need help to work on the unhappy past events and traumas
- You’re feeling unfulfilled in your creative work and life
- You’re feeling lost, scattered, and overwhelmed in this journey
- You want to be free from the hurt, anger, fear, and regret that prevent you from all the good things in life
- You’re ready to really discover your strengths, your gifts, and your voice, and take ownership of them along the way
- You’re fed up of holding yourself back and you’re ready to move past fear and self-limiting beliefs
- You need someone to keep you accountable and focused
- You’re ready to make a big change and you don’t want to do this alone
- You’re feeling disconnected from your creativity and your best ideas and you’re aching to find inspiration again
- You feel like you can’t compromise with your life any longer and you’re searching for help
- You’re willing to live the happiness, grace, abundance, and freedom that you are, and effortlessly accomplishment and enjoyment in our beautiful world to be your everyday experience
- You’re ready to spend time together with me, helping you bridge the gap between where you are now and where you really want to be
And the best way to know if I’m the right coach for you? See my releasing video to see if my coaching style resonates with you.

Maria – Paris (France)
“Adelia is a very good—a very very good therapist! It’s always wonderful to connect with her and I’m grateful for her from my heart. She has always helped me with family matters and I’m expressing my gratitude to her!”
So What Is 1:1 Healing Coaching Program?
Here’s how we’re going to spend two or five months together making awesome things happen in your life…
Eight or Sixteen 60-minute coaching calls
Every week we will jump on a Zoom call together for a 60-minute coaching session.
We’ll dive deep into your emotions, your heart’s deepest desire, and the things that may be holding you back along the way.
I’ll walk you through exercises and releasing sessions to support you in the pursuit of your goals, and hold space for you to really listen to yourself along the way.
After each coaching session you will feel spacious, clarified, inspired, and ready to take action in your life.
Plus additional email support whenever you need it too
Throughout our time working together I’m always just an email away for whenever you may need a little pep talk, accountability, guidance or encouragement along the way.
I’ll also be checking in in-between our calls too to see how you’re getting on and remind you that you’re not alone in this journey.
Exercise, goals, and intentions to keep you moving forward
At the end of each call, we will always set exercise, goals, and intentions to keep you moving forward for the next releasing session ahead. I’ll provide resources to support you along the way too if necessary.
You’ll also have access to recordings and notes from our sessions.
Sugeng – Jakarta (Indonesia)
“I feel grateful and lucky to have found the Sedona Method and be able to practice the method through Ms. Lia’s assistance. This is a wonderful method because with this method, I am now free from many limitations and diseases and I feel fit—same as when I was a young student.
Previously, for more than 10 years, I had the following problems such as fatigue syndrome, food intolerance (wheat, garlic, sugar, milk, etc.), DOMS (Delay Onset Muscle Soreness)—it means that the day after I did some workout, even the light one, my body was in pain in many areas for at least 2 days and I had brain fog too. It’s got serious consequences for my career and affected my self-esteem. I already sought assistance from many doctors and specialists in Indonesia and abroad. I also already tried many food supplements and non-medical therapy like yoga, tai-chi, meditation, etc. But it’s not enough to help me.
Finally, after I met Ms. Lia with her approach in the Sedona Method, all of these diseases were gone!* Now I can swim and run several times a week, I have higher self-esteem, and I feel it’s easier to build a better relationship with everyone.”
Are you ready to have the life you love?
How Instant Can I Get The Result?
Change doesn’t happen overnight. There’s no button that’s pushed to magically alter everything so it typically requires a 3-month commitment.
I know this is a big investment and I want to make sure you get real results.
Let’s talk!
Book your breakthrough session to try it out.

Riki – Jakarta (Indonesia)
“I remember the first time I met Adelia, my life collapsed because of a girl.
Now I live a happy life and I understand to not chasing, not begging, not stressing or being desperate, and just relax into Being.
I can’t begin to express the shift and growth this year has brought my way. She leads me to release all my limitations with the Sedona Method. I only needed 3 months to manifest my dream car and I enjoy debt-free living. I have the best relationships and I’m very grateful.
Adelia makes me understand to make my wants want me!
Adelia, you changed my life… Love to you.”

Here’s What We Can Do Together:
- Let go of any unwanted emotions that prevent to enjoy all the good things in life
- Dissolve resistance to working on any goals so you can take effortless actions to have, do, and be, whatever you choose in life
- Find clarity, focus, and direction with your creative work
- Help you to finally cut all of the noise so you can listen to the most important voice: your own intuitive knowingness and clear reason
- Tackle the fears and mindsets that have been holding you back along the way
- Add more joy to your routine, your schedule, and your creative process
- Walk you through a transition period in your work and life
- Have access to feedback, accountability, and support every step of the way
- Help you move past burn out and overwhelm and create systems and routines that will keep you happy and healthy in your life
I can’t do the hard work for you, but I can support you every step of the way to move forward, make things happen, and bring to fruition the life that you’re aching for.

Adelinah – Jakarta (Indonesia)
“Adelia is really an excellent Sedona Method Facilitator and she is very professional. I am so grateful to be able to release many limitations with her.
My heart is now open and I got to know my soul. I know that things are now possible for me and it’s starting to become my living experience! Thank you, Adelia.”

As Your Coach, I Am Your:
Healing coach
I’m here to listen, support, and encourage you in your journey and offer up an alternative point of view and guidance whenever you may feel stuck along the way. I’ll share insights and the lessons I’ve learned along the way in my own journey as a business owner and healing coach, and I’ll hold space for you to really explore all of the ideas, dreams, and fears that are overflowing in your mind.
Biggest cheerleader
I’m here to cheer you on every step of the way. I’ll root for you even when things get hard, I’ll remind you of what you’re capable of even when you can’t see it yourself, and throughout our two months together you will never feel alone in the pursuit of your big goals and dreams.
Accountability buddy
I’m here to hold you accountable to the goals and intentions that you set for yourself in this season of your life. Every coaching call we’ll check in, touch base, and get to the heart of how best to keep you moving forward along the way. When you’re facing resistance, we’ll dive deep and find out how to move forward, and we will celebrate every big and small milestone and goal met along the way too.
After our coaching calls, my clients tell me that they feel: lighter, inspired, energized, motivated, clarified, focused, and totally in love with life.

Henrik – Aarhus, Holstebro (Denmark)
“My biggest struggle was a breakup, and I was in deep apathy and grief at that time. I don’t know what is going to happen if I hadn’t found this method. I went to psychiatrists but they don’t learn how to manage emotions.
But Adelia helped me letting all of this unconscious stuff go. At first, I was surprised that we can easily let go of unwanted emotions without we have to kill ourselves. Incredible…. I was so happy and I was like, oh my God, I can go from that crappy place to this actually pretty high place. It’s some kind of seeing the opportunity that is in YOU. You didn’t know it existed.
Throughout my year of working with Adelia by my side, most of the time is I feel released and delightful, I sense ease in the body, and I stop taking things too seriously.
The feeling of love is always there too. You’re not dependent on another person for your happiness. I can see I wasn’t loving myself and I’m starting to love myself and I can start loving other people myself.
Adelia is really A Star. I’m so grateful to her. She is both a great friend and a highly skilled Sedona Method facilitator. She makes releasing stuff from the subconscious both easy and fun.”

What if you could…
Break from being a slave to your emotions?
Whatever your circumstances, I will show you how you can achieve wealth and success, improve relationships, find peace and happiness, and experience health and well-being.
You can create the life that you choose for yourself NOW.

My Promise To You:
As your healing coach, I promise you this: I will show up for you and be there every step of the way.
I’ll listen to you, and I’ll make a safe space for what matters to you most.
We’ll have deep releasing and meaningful conversations, and fun and light-hearted ones too.
More than anything, I’ll remind you of what you’re capable of even when you cannot see it yourself.
All I ask is that you give this process 100% too. Over three or six months together we can make incredible things happen in your life – all you have to do is be open to that possibility.

Andy – New York (USA)
“Adelia helped me to understand that wanting equates to lack. It does not equal having.
When we let go of wanting, we, therefore, feel more like we can have. Instead of just visualizing my goals, she helped me to allow myself to have it and surrender to the Higher Power as supposed to work hard for my goals. As supposed to spend 20 minutes visualizing I had my goal, it’s better to ask a question, “Can I release the desire to have the goal and allow myself to have it?” This feels counterintuitive but amazingly promotes inspired action and I just allow it to unfold. Sometimes it’s too easy so it’s not believable!
Adelia is very good at connecting with people. She has a really good talent to help people releasing their limitations. Her style is very natural, very supportive, very nurturing, and encouraging.
The more I work with her, the better I think because she comes across really really well. She has a real gold mine and her formula is really effective! Having Adelia on my side has helped me to have a greater understanding. I consider her to be a good friend and she’s a super great role model.
Working with Adelia has been one of the best experiences of my life. She understood my issues immediately and helped me release them. Her thoughts and words are very useful. She is very talented and I recommend her for any and everyone.”

I would be so honored to support you in your life.
If you’re ready to live in the now and live the life you love, I’d love to talk to you.
I can’t wait to connect with you more soon!
Are you excited to transform yourself and change your life?
If you have any questions, please fill out the form below and I’ll be in touch right away to schedule your coaching session.