Last Updated on August 11, 2020 by Ade Aprilia
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Have you ever pondered:
What is my heart’s deepest desire?
How do I find my purpose in life?

Sometimes in life, we find ourselves at a dead-end. . .
. . .or a crossroads. . .
. . .or on a path that seems to go nowhere. . .
. . .and we often say,
“I don’t know what to do with my life…”
Yes, I get that.
Most of us have no clue what we want to do with our lives. It’s a struggle almost every one of us goes through.
“What do I want to do with my life?”
“What am I passionate about?”
“What do I not suck at?”
If you’re unhappy with life or unsure as to how to proceed, it’s time to reevaluate.
Check out my free guided audio to get started on how to release emotions painlessly on the spot!

What’s The Deepest Longing Of The Human Heart?

Some of us can be caught off guard by a question like: “What is your heart’s deepest desire?”
. . .because we never really explore and contemplate the desire of our hearts.
As human beings, we are created with desires.
We all long for meaningful relationships, lives that reflect goodness, engagements with beauty, and the freedom to pursue our lives with integrity.
The golden question is: What’s the thing you want most?
Is it for greater
. . .greater wealth. . .
. . .a rich, fulfilling relationship with a soul mate?
Is your heart’s desire to have fulfilling work along with a level of financial freedom. . .
. . .that allows you to go where you want to go. . .
. . .do what you want to do. . .
. . .have what you want to have
. . .and most importantly, give what you want to give?
Or is it to be in union with God?
Learn to Pursue Your Best Life Without Burnout

Ironically, we live in a world where people have made it abnormal to live a joyous, fulfilled life.
For that reason, the mind jumps in with its judgments:
- Rich people are not spiritual.
- You have to work hard to get ahead.
- We live in a world where there is not enough to go around.
Yup, we live in a world where mediocrity is often rewarded.
Now, this is why we shouldn’t believe everything we think. Because when we want to pursue our best lives, there are a lot of conflicting thoughts that tell us that it’s not okay to do that. This causes us to feel burned out, emotionally drained, or mentally exhausted.
Whatever the mind thinks, it overlays the experience that we had with the mask of its judgment, label, interpretation, concept, conclusion, and decision.
And when someone says they live the life they love, they’re being labeled by society as odd instead of unique or genius.
To give you some ideas about what I’m talking about:
I went all the way to do my freelancing business in the early ’00s after quitting my glamorous job as a fashion editor in this female leading magazine in my country. This was my only 9-5 job ever.
People called me “too brave” for making that decision. After all, who wants to leave a stable glamourous job that makes you sit in the front row of every fashion show?
But I remember I bought my first car, wrote a lot of books, was able to take as many vacations as I pleased, had a location independent, and mastered time without having to work my a** off. In other words, RICH!
I live my best life. I find meaning in life, live a happy and fulfilled life, and discover what I’m passionate about without burnout.
And people still thought I was “too adventurous”. 😂

The mind lives in the world of duality. It either likes something or dislikes something. It’s either right or wrong. There is no grey area in the mind.
But as we all know, life is not black or white, or either/or.
Life is just what is.
You have whatever you need when you need it.
And the mind doesn’t have the ability to perceive this.
Unless we are mindful of this process, we will not be aware of what we feel without judgment.
“But, Adelia…”
Isn’t “What Is My Deepest Desire?” Question A Lame Question…

Most people will judge a question like “What Is My Heart’s Deepest Desire?” as a dumb question.
And we sometimes feel embarrassed just to ask ourselves or admit this.
But there are no dumb questions. It’s only another judgment and perception made by the mind.
Fun Fact: Did you know that according to a new study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, the brain immediately determines how trustworthy a face is before it’s fully perceived, which supports the fact that we make very fast judgments about people (or places or things)?
The deep meaning of the heart’s desire goes well beyond what our mind is capable of understanding.
The mind has to move the heart’s desire from the deepest level to the soil level in order to characterize it and identify it.
This is the reason why the mind masks the true heart’s desire.
Mind’s interpretation of the heart’s desire causes us to go after what the mind thinks rather than surrendering to the energy flowing within the desire itself.
We become blind to the needs of our own being. And we suffer, struggle, and hustle to “get our heart’s desire”.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
Think about your own life.
Have you been satisfied with the average?
How can you go all in?
What steps can you take to embrace the suck and become mentally strong?
Are You Living The Life You Love?

Most of us live life on the surface.
We’re going after our mother’s goals, father’s goals, wife’s goals, husband’s goals, our lover’s goals, society’s goals, maybe even our children’s goals.
We’re setting our goals with the goals we had from friends in the past, or goals that other people had because we think it’s a good idea but never realized they weren’t really our own…
Their voice is louder in our mind than our own.
We think God guided us when it is really mom, dad, grandpa, the minister, the teacher, the priest, your ex-lovers — you name it.
Their voices have been planted in our minds that value knowledge over wisdom, earning money over living from a perspective of abundance, wanting and craving over having, hard work over relaxed play.
We dismiss someone who doesn’t suffer enough before they find joy and passion. We might even call them lucky.
And we hold on to things that make us miserable until life rips them away in a last-ditch attempt to save us from ourselves.
How to Discover Your Passion In Life

I’m using The Sedona Method to explore my heart’s deepest desire.
If you allow yourself to focus on what your heart’s deepest desire is, and then let go of whatever brings up inside of you, your heart will be open to your heart’s deepest desire.
Your mind might say you can’t have it. . .
. . .it’s impossible
. . .it’ll never happen to you. . .
. . .or it’s not a worthy desire to have in your heart.
But guess what, my friend
. . .your heart holds the blueprint for everything you desire in life.
I know this because I had done this exercise over and over again.
There are many things I love to do — write, create businesses, travel, watch movies, read good books, produce instant photographs, take care of my loved ones. And all of them support me as an individual to live the life I love.
And I thought those were my heart’s deepest desire.
But after I kept asking myself this one question: “What is my heart’s deepest desire?”, I got an answer that really different from them.
It’s true that I got all of those above and many more on the surface-level. . .
. . .but as I went deeper and deeper, I know my heart’s deepest desire is Love.
Why I Can Create The Life I Adore

When you tap into your heart’s deepest desire, you can easily discover your passion.
For me, it’s Love.
Love is what I feel when I watch Little Miss Sunshine or Shawshank Redemption.
And Love is what I feel when I see someone let go of their baggage and get a glimpse of the truth of who they are.
Love for me is like the air. I can’t breathe without it. I can’t write, I can’t create, and I don’t want to talk to you.
The more I live with that, everything in my life just fell into place to support me.
Of course, there were obstacles. But I’ve learned that the obstacle shows us our resistance to life and that we’re not moving toward our heart; we are either pushing our false self’s desire, or we are bringing up our beliefs and baggage to drop.
So whatever challenge is coming up right now when you are pursuing your heart’s deepest desire, it is there because you are ready to release that.
That’s why you’ve found yourself here. Trust it.
My friend, don’t take my word for it. Take it for checking and experiment with it.
The Exercise: What Is My Heart’s Deepest Desire?

If you want to live from your heart’s deepest desire, you need to make that decision.
Most people think God will pop it into their life with some grand phenomenon. God already did — in the form of our heart’s deepest desire.
Your heart, your true self, whatever you call it, is always willing to help, to express, to give.
If we’re not aware of what we feel and allow ourselves to just be with what we feel, we do not really experience what the heart experiences.
Rather, we believe what the mind had told us about the experience and how it has interpreted the experience.
Hence, the mind masks the heart and what the heart has experienced.
We do this all the time and rarely pay attention to what we feel and just allow ourselves to be without the mind.
So first, explore this one question: “What is my heart’s deepest desire?”
- Ask yourself this question, and then write it down. Don’t censor yourself.
- Allow yourself to open to your deepest thing that you’d like to have in your life.
- Don’t use your mind, it can’t help you. Just listen to whatever comes up.
- Allow yourself to be open to the messages of your heart, and then let go.
- Don’t stop at the surface. Keep asking yourself that question.
- Whatever comes up, let that answer go. Keep asking yourself the question and going deeper.
- And if you need to start adjusting your goal because of it, just do.
You’ll find that as you do this, you keep peeling away onions.
The more you peel away, unlike the onion, what you’d find in the center is a beautiful jewel.
And this beautiful jewel is the shining radiance of your heart, which shines into all the things that of to your highest and best good, that shines into the things that have the potential to bring you the most love, the most understanding, the most caring, the most success, the abundance in your life.
It’s not something you do once. It’s something that the more you do, the more you get on it.
As you do this exercise, resistance might come up at first.
It’s okay. Resistance is how the mind is trying to protect itself. It’s just another program or belief that we’ve manufactured to protect our other programs or beliefs.
Feel the resistance and then ask yourself:
“Is it okay for me to just drop this resistance?”
As you do that, it becomes easier for you to keep uncover your heart’s deepest desire and actually take inspired action to have that.
If you don’t know what to do with your life, do this one strategy.
If you want to discover your purpose in life, allow yourself to be open to the messages of your heart.
Doing this exercise will make you whole and complete inside.
So here’s what you need to do to uncover your heart’s deepest desire using The Sedona Method:
Don’t stop at the surface. Keep asking yourself that question, keep letting go of what comes up, and keep going deeper.
There is no right or wrong.
No matter you get it or not, just remember that you are already whole and complete. You are already enough as you are. I’m not talking about your ego-sense but the Beingness that you are. And that’s a very powerful place to create whatever you want to do, be, and have in life.
And that never changes.
Your Next Step
If you’re ready to create a life that you love, here are the next steps I recommend:
Grab The Moving From Pain to Peace Audio Guide which will give you the exercises you need to let go of issues packed with emotional complexity and create a solid foundation to change your life.
(yes, it’s for free!)
You can just put your best email below and I’ll take care of everything for you.👇🏼
If you need more help, you can also book your free breakthrough session with me now!
Now you.
Now, what is your biggest struggle?
Are you interested in uncovering your heart’s deepest desire to find your purpose and have a wonderful life?
Let’s chat down below.
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What a beautiful post! I love that exercise, and will be trying it out tonight!
Thank you! Let me know how it goes. I can’t wait to hear your gain!
Mediocraty is something that is normalized in our society! So much THIS!! Love it!
Yes! It’s time to live our best lives! 😊