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Your heart beats rapidly as though it might burst through your chest any minute. Your hands are sweaty and your stomach is tied up in knots. You feel like you can’t catch your breath.
It’s hard to concentrate. You know logically that there is no reason to feel the fear that is gripping your gut, but you feel out-of-control powerless to do anything about it.
Your muscles become primed to act, leading to a trembling sensation, twitching, or shaking. You feel light-headed and there’s a feeling of motion or spinning inside rather than in the environment. Sometimes there is a sense of swaying even though you are standing still. You feel so weak that you might pass out. The thought of passing out frightens you, which can cause more symptoms and fear.
And this is not the first time this has happened.
Does this sound familiar? If you have ever felt like this, you are not alone.
That’s how anxiety feels like.

If you allow your anxiety to take over your life, you will lose your sense of self-purpose and forget who you really are.
Here’s what would happen.
You isolate yourself while all of your friends go out because the thoughts of leaving your house make you feel overwhelmed.
You don’t like sitting alone in your room because it makes you feel uncomfortable and you feel like there’s something missing but your body refuses to move so you’d rather lay in bed alone.
You say no to trying something new because you’re constantly overthinking and you’re afraid of failing.
You can’t do the things you love because of your fear of failure, your fear of what could happen, and your fear of success.
You really want to have a good night’s sleep but your mind won’t let you. It’s so active, you can’t push your thought aside.
You’re pushing people away because you’re too afraid to get close. You think you’re not good enough, and suddenly you find yourself in a panic because you are experiencing anxiety around losing your loved ones.
You try to explain to everyone around you when you feel suffocated and you feel you couldn’t breathe, but people who care about you say that everything is fine when it doesn’t feel that way. They don’t get the experience of worry, guilt, shame, and panic in situations that don’t typically cause such intense feelings in them.
You start to think, “Why doesn’t anyone seem to understand?”
I get it. No, you’re not crazy. This used to happen to me all the time.
Anxiety can feel so real and not everyone fully understands how difficult it is to control.
This is exactly why I decided to tell you how to overcome anxiety for good.
Why Coping Mechanism Only Makes Anxiety Worse

I see a lot of so-called experts encourage people with anxiety to cope with and control their feeling.
The thing is, anxiety doesn’t go away just by chewing gum to relax your nervousness.
Anxiety doesn’t go away just by telling someone to breathe.
Anxiety doesn’t go away just by playing a game to forget how anxious you were.
Anxiety doesn’t go away just by reading a book to give you something to concentrate and focus on or listening to music to turn your mood around.
Anxiety doesn’t go away just by talking to a friend to get the encouragement we need to push through because it’s just feeding into the problems.
Anxiety doesn’t go away just by pushing yourself to do something that scares you. This could be anything from phoning someone to getting out there and meeting new people. Forcing someone with an anxiety disorder to “feel the fear and do it anyway” will make things exponentially worse. It generates feelings of shame for being unable to control their feelings.
Why? Because anxiety is an ongoing problem that doesn’t just go away overnight.
When you tell yourself to not let anxiety control you, it’s just pasting a thin layer of positive emotion on top of problems. If you try to change them from a place of simply manipulating them, they only grow.
Instead, why not just let it go?
I used to suffer from constant anxiety so it’s not true that people with anxiety can’t “let go” because our brain simply doesn’t work that way.
I know that it’s possible to let anxiety go. But it’s not the kind of “just let it go of it” to shut us up or suppress the feelings.
So what kind of letting go that I’m talking about?
Read on…
How to Overcome Anxiety For Good
There are two common treatments for anxiety and fear:
1. You could medicate yourself.
There are commonly prescribed drugs for suppressing the symptoms of anxiety and fear. They provide temporary relief from anxiety and fear symptoms, but common side effects range from clumsiness and dizziness to loss of sexual desire, muscle spasms, and vomiting. Not fun.
The drugs used in the treatment of anxiety and fear can also be quite habit-forming. Some of the side effects of withdrawal from their use include the reoccurrence of all the symptoms that the medication was masking in the first place, plus many extreme reactions like bizarre behavior, depression, convulsions, and hallucinations.
These drugs come with a very heavy price to your pocketbook, your self-esteem, your health, and your well-being.
2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy is an action-oriented form of psychosocial therapy that assumes that maladaptive, or faulty, thinking patterns cause maladaptive behavior and “negative” emotions. The treatment focuses on changing an individual’s thoughts in order to change his or her behavior and emotional state.
This is often a long, costly, and painful process that sometimes creates a dependent relationship with the therapist.
There is also a third, highly effective and reasonably priced alternative to both of these approaches:
3. Letting Go with The Sedona Method
The Sedona Method is a unique, simple, powerful, easy-to-learn, and duplicate technique that shows you how to uncover your natural ability to let go of any painful or unwanted feeling in the moment.
The method consists of a series of questions you ask yourself that lead your awareness to what you are feeling in the moment and gently guide you into the experience of letting go.
The Sedona Method is a powerful tool I use to help myself and my clients for letting go of all fear and anxiety. There is real lasting help in the form of the Sedona Method.
“I’m the type of person that gets anxious easily and I couldn’t express my feelings. These traits made me depressed because I suppressed almost everything. To help me with this, my mom took me to do releasing coaching with Adelia.
In the beginning, I felt so much doubt because I couldn’t open up myself to others and some things felt very private. It ended up all going well because releasing works without needing to tell the stories.
After the healing session, my heart feels so open and I become calmer.
All the problems are not problems anymore because all went well. I can face everything with ease.”

Jakarta, IndonesiaThe method can help you get better, faster results out of whatever treatment program you are currently considering or pursuing. It is a non-drug, non-medical alternative for breaking free of the debilitating effects of all forms of anxiety and fear.
The Sedona Method works for all types of fear including fear of public speaking, fear of flying, social anxiety, chronic anxiety, anxiety over current world events, and panic attacks.
Click here to get access to a free online 6-day live video event, beginning August 10

Feel your anxiety and fear dissolve on the spot
We tend to push anxiety down and run away from emotions.
Those are the most common and most harmful things you can do with a feeling.
Anxiety is still there. You just ignore that. And it’s not helpful.
Our fears and doubts also make us defensive. When we are defensive, we are holding in mind what we don’t want, so that’s what we get.
As you release your defensiveness, you see solutions instead of problems. As you naturally hold in mind what you want, you’ll know how to be proactive and win every time.
5 Simple Steps to Let Go for Good Using The Sedona Method
- Focus on the issue you would like to feel better about. Allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling in this moment.
- Ask yourself: “Could I allow myself to welcome, allow, or be present with the feeling?“
- Ask yourself: “Could I let this feeling go?“
- Ask yourself this simple question: “Would I let this feeling go?” In other words: Am I willing to let go?
- Ask yourself this simpler question: “When?” This is an invitation to just let it go NOW.
Repeat the preceding five steps as often as needed until you feel free of that particular feeling.
You may find yourself easily letting go. Remember that letting go is a decision you can make any time you choose.
When you feel your anxiety or fear acting up, simply ask yourself the easy-to-learn and easy-to-remember questions that make up the Sedona Method, and you will feel the tightness leaving your stomach, shoulders, and chest. In its place, you will feel warmth and relaxation.
You can easily break the patterns of thought and behavior that cause these feelings to reoccur. You will no longer feel tense. That’s why you can overcome anxiety for good.
The results are guaranteed! You can read about Scientific Evidence of the Sedona Method here.
Check out my free guided audio to get started on how to release emotions painlessly on the spot!

As you use the Sedona Method, you will find over time that the very situations and experiences that you used to find the most exhausting or disturbing will become less and less so, until you may even forget that you used to have those kinds of experiences.
And that’s been my experience too. When you’re free of your anxiety and fear, you will feel more relaxed even in the very situations that you once felt you had to avoid.
The noise of your mind will subside, and your heart will stop pounding in your chest.
You will have the clarity of mind to say and do what is appropriate and natural in any life situation.
You don’t have to be trapped with having fear and anxiety anymore.
Want more help letting go of your fear and anxiety? Book your free breakthrough session with me now!
Make Sure You’re in the Right Place
One of the biggest considerations you need to make when it comes to improving your life and working on your anxiety is where you are. Making sure you are in the place you need to be is half of the battle when you are dealing with mental health considerations. It is vital that you make sure you focus on the best ways of achieving this, and seeking out professional support is a big part of this process. One of the biggest things you can do to help with this is to seek out holistic rehab options, and these are perfect for helping you deal with mind and body, and work on your anxiety most positively.
Spending time in a place that is going to be positive and empowering is really important, and this is something that you have to try to get right. There are a lot of things that play a part in this process, and it is important to make sure you look and feel great as much as possible. Try to make this a key part of your life, and treat yourself in the right way to overcome your anxiety.
Now you.
How do you deal with anxiety? Do you have any other tips that you would like to share?
Let me know in the comment below.
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You describe anxiety very well! I love to read about how people describe anxiety because often times, society doesn’t view it as a real thing. I have never heard of the Sedona Method before. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor and love my CBT. I guess because is it is the most effective therapy for addiction and one of the most effective forms of therapy for treatment of anxiety. I would love to learn more about this method. Are there any online trainings to learn more about it? It sounds like a very beneficial mindfulness tool. Great article!
Thank you, Nancy! I used to have anxiety so I’m familiar with that! I’m glad you mentioned CBT so my readers have options to work with you!
Yes, you can learn Sedona Method for free here: http://adeaprilia.com/sedona-easy
The course is free for everyone beginning August 10 through 15. Try it and let me know how it goes. It was a great tool because the result is sustainable.
You can also read my Sedona Method review for your reference:
Thank you and love to you, Nancy!