Nura – Sidney (Australia)
“Adelia introduced me to Sedona Method back in 2015 where I was mentally breakdown due to family issues. Now I feel lighter, happier, and more creative.
Adelia, with her patience, guided me to the method and helped me to release the issues that have been stuck in me.
I enjoy her coaching every week for several years now. I love the present moment I experience the more I work with her and I would recommend Adelia as a professional releasing facilitator/guru.
A massive THANK YOU to her. Without her, I could have been ended up with a high level of depression and mental illness.*”

Ary – Melbourne (Australia)
“If you want to change your anger become love and releasing unwanted emotions, Ade Aprilia is the best healing coach that you can go. I worked with her when I had a difficult situation at work. I felt so upset and angry, and I couldn’t stop crying out of frustration. After releasing with her, I’m able to allow love to guide me to solve my problem from the place of Love, not from the place of anger!
Throughout my time of working with Adelia, I have discovered myself and who I am. I feel calm and I’m willing to take a stand for myself for everyone’s highest and best good. She has given me the confidence to feel the Love that I Am.
If you want to get the power of LOVE more and more every day, you are in the right page. You won’t regret working with Adelia.”

Jan See, Sedona Method Certified Coach
“I worked with Adelia and it was so wonderful and I feel so good and I feel it has to do with her! I still feel the love that I am even after I worked with her. I would highly recommend her!”
Here’s a conversation between Jan See, Sedona Method Certified Coach, with Hale Dwoskin, the founder of Sedona Method in The Netherland Retreat 2018 about Adelia– (yes, they’re talking about me. 😄)

Riki – Jakarta (Indonesia)
“I remember the first time I met Adelia, my life collapsed because of a girl. Now I live a happy life and I understand to not chasing, not begging, not stressing or being desperate, and just relax into Being.
I can’t begin to express the shift and growth this year has brought my way. She leads me to release all my limitations with the Sedona Method. I only needed 3 months to manifest my dream car and I enjoy debt-free living. I have the best relationships and I’m very grateful.
Adelia makes me understand to make my wants want me!
Adelia, you changed my life… Love to you.”

Helle – Oslo (Norway)
“I love working with Adelia because of her skills and because her heart radiates empathy. Her creativity in her coaching sessions made me happy and I was able to immediately release and feel lighter during and after the sessions with her. I felt welcome and accepted when I was with her and she made me understand that all is well and it was easy to release everything after that. I was in a better mood instantly.
I would highly recommend Adelia’s service to each and everyone I know! Just thinking of her makes me smile and warms my heart.”

Henrik – Holstebro (Denmark)
“Adelia is really A Star. I’m so grateful to her.
My biggest struggle was a breakup, and I was in deep apathy and grief at that time. I don’t know what is going to happen if I hadn’t found this method. I went to psychiatrists but they don’t learn how to manage emotions. But Adelia helped me letting all of this unconscious stuff go. At first, I was surprised that we can easily let go of unwanted emotions without we have to kill ourselves. I was in my head and not so much in contact with my feelings and emotions.
I remember that one morning, I just felt so heavy and crappy and my mind tried to convince me to abandon releasing with Adelia and go to sleep instead. Before this session, I felt like I wanted things so bad. In comparison to this state of Being I just experienced after Adelia helped me to let go of that sense of lack, it’s like begging for dirt to eat, when you can have the full table! After releasing, I just feel so loving and happy right here, right now. The loving feeling was just as intense as I experienced on the LIVE Sedona Method workshop in London. Incredible…. I was so happy and I was like, oh my God, I can go from that crappy place to this actually pretty high place. It’s some kind of seeing the opportunity that is in YOU. You didn’t know it existed.
Adelia is such a nice person and I feel a lot of pretty secure with her. Honestly, I feel safe with her. It’s nice to know that I have a little secret I can trust with her. The way she helped me is a lot different and the reason I stick with the method is that it works! Releasing changed my life. I can manage emotions the way other people can’t. When you have the tool, you know what to do with life. You have the opportunity to have freedom whenever you want. It is freedom.
Throughout my year of working with Adelia by my side, most of the time is I feel released and delightful, I sense ease in the body, and I stop taking things too seriously. The feeling of love is always there too. You’re not dependent on another person for your happiness. I can see I wasn’t loving myself and I’m starting to love myself and I can start loving other people myself.
Thank you so much, Adelia… I’m happy I found her! Adelia is both a great friend and a highly skilled Sedona Method facilitator. She makes releasing stuff from the subconscious both easy and fun.”

Korey – Arizona (USA)
“I came to Adelia looking to feel more centered and peaceful.
Since I began working with her, I feel calm and serene more often than I used to.
She has a relaxed approach to coaching that I really love!
She gives me the space to feel what I feel and release it effortlessly.
I highly recommend her coaching!
Adelia, Thank YOU for being amazing.”

Adelinah – Jakarta (Indonesia)
“Adelia is really an excellent Sedona Method Facilitator and she is very professional.
I am so grateful to be able to release many limitations with her. My heart is now open and I got to know my soul. I know that things are now possible for me and it’s starting to become my living experience!
Thank you, Adelia.”

Andrew – New York (USA)
“I decided to work with Adelia to rebuild my financial situation. If I didn’t resolve this challenge, I’d be stuck in old non-productive ways and re-enforcing old lessons that didn’t serve me anymore. I wanted to get clarity, instruction, and insight.
I can say, after years of mixed results with good intentioned coaches, working with Adelia has by far produced the greatest results, and I always feel better after our sessions.
Adelia helped me to understand that wanting equates to lack. It does not equal having. When we let go of wanting, we, therefore, feel more like we can have. Instead of just visualizing my goals, she guided me to allow myself to have it and surrender to the Higher Power as supposed to work hard for my goals. As supposed to spend 20 minutes visualizing to have my goal, Adelia helped me to ask a better question, “Can I release the desire to have the goal and allow myself to have it?” This promotes inspired action and I just allow it to unfold. Sometimes it’s too easy so it’s not believable!
Adelia is very good at connecting with people. She’s a super communicator and she has a really good talent to help people releasing their limitations.
I have noticed, in the few sessions we have had, she senses what’s going on very well, and don’t take a ‘one size fits all’ approach, and when something is not resonating, she adjusts her approach to something I can relate to.
The way she presents it is that everything in the past and everything in the future is just a story we don’t need, so we can release it to live in the NOW. That’s one big thing that makes me feel a lot better. Understanding that the past and the future is just a story and it’s not useful to keep playing that story in my head and it’s much better to live in today’s moment shifted something in me.
I realized I am not my story, I’m starting to give up desire and letting go of fearful past. If I’m worrying about the future, again it’s just a story, so don’t worry about it. I’m sort of logical: so why would I want to listen to the story that is just a piece of my imagination? I choose to focus in the NOW. She communicates it down until, yes, I get that!
Her style is very natural, very supportive, very nurturing, and encouraging. Having someone like her to show the way is super helpful. My head was made of wood. I kept asking myself, “Why do I have to hear this over and over again from people who achieve things and live a way in what I think is the right way?” This is why I choose to listen to her audio when I drive to my gym and sometimes I stop and make notes and agree with it. I think she’s excellent. She expresses things very well. The more I work with her, the better I think because she comes across really really well. She has a real gold mine and her formula is really effective!
By meeting people like her who’s an excellent teacher, I learned that there are better ways to live life. The more I surround myself with the “enlighten” people who have already figured it out, the more I’m inspired to make a pivot to adopt those ways. Having Adelia on my side has helped me to have a greater understanding. I consider her to be a good friend and she’s a super great role model.
Working with Adelia has been one of the best experiences of my life. She understood my issues immediately and helped me release them. Her thoughts and words are very useful. She is very talented and I recommend her for any and everyone.
The insights she bring help me in both my personal life, and my business as well. Adelia is a talented coach, and it has made a world of difference for me.”

Kila – Jakarta (Indonesia)
“I’m the type of person that gets anxious easily and I couldn’t express my feelings. These traits made me depressed because I suppressed almost everything. To help me with this, my mom took me to do releasing coaching with Adelia.
In the beginning, I felt so much doubt because I couldn’t open up myself to others and some things felt very private. It ended up all went well because releasing works without I needed to tell the stories.
After the sessions, my heart feels so open and I become calmer. All the problems are not problems anymore because all went well. I can face everything with ease.”

Sugeng – Jakarta (Indonesia)
“I feel grateful and lucky to have found the Sedona Method and be able to practice the method through Ms. Adelia’s assistance. This is a wonderful method because with this method, I am now free from many limitations and diseases and I feel fit—same as when I was a young student.
Previously, for more than 10 years, I had the following problems such as fatigue syndrome, food intolerance (wheat, garlic, sugar, milk, etc.), DOMS (Delay Onset Muscle Soreness)—it means that the day after I did some workout, even the light one, my body was in pain in many areas for at least 2 days and I had brain fog too. It’s got serious consequences for my career and affected my self-esteem. I already sought assistance from many doctors and specialists in Indonesia and abroad. I also already tried many food supplements and non-medical therapy like yoga, tai-chi, meditation, etc. But it’s not enough to help me.
Finally, after I met Ms. Adelia with her approach in the Sedona Method, all of these diseases were gone!* Now I can swim and run several times a week, I have higher self-esteem, and I feel it’s easier to build a better relationship with everyone.”

Kate Burke – Personal Transformational Coach
“I decided to work with Adelia because I wanted to feel more free from within and I found Adelia to be over joyous to work with, very intuitive in the moment, and extremely effective!
Since working with Adelia’s coaching, I have travelled overseas on numerous occasions to Japan and Europe, and have been inspired to create from the travel to bring benefits to empower others for transformation. I have no doubt that I can further create and repurpose an inspirational book from my experiences overseas because that has already been outlined. I’ve also created such products as inspirational desk calendars, wall calendars, tote bags, journal/diary, and even a very simple “Releasing Gains Notebook” to keep a record of those subtle gains I now take for granted from releasing and coaching. Plus, I’ve been inspired to write some new quotes based around the releasing and the coaching which are placed on these products and team them with the images from the travel.
I have to say that what I like best is the inner freedom experienced during coaching and as a result of it, the “clearing” of the mind’s past limitations and the over joyous laughter…!!!
I’ve noticed my confidence has greatly increased and I was able to create a mini online course around that as well titled “Effortless Confidence”, and two other online courses based around self-care!
I find Adelia’s coaching enhances creativity to the maximum in a natural and gentle way! Thank you again, Adelia.
I would highly recommend working with Adelia if you are looking for some guidance
The most important thing that you should really know about Adelia’s coaching is that you can be free from within and she can definitely guide and support you to experience that, and to “be” that. Choose freedom!
Heartfelt thanks for the group coaching calls and her Facebook lives too, it is a pleasure to be with her presence for greater peace, limitless happiness, and unbound freedom

Michael – Jakarta (Indonesia)
“I have invested in working with Adelia because I wanted to change my bad habits and be more positive in life. I noticed my negative approach to life can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Since starting out with Adelia, I’ve learned how to let go and felt a lot better towards life although I still need to work out on some more issues. But I know I now have the tool to let go when things don’t go my way.
Adelia’s style is just as supportive and insightful. She guided me to solve my life problems by just releasing only. When I decided to make the change to live a more positive life, I’m able to stay positive and got rid of the most negative influences in life.
I now have found my peace of mind, which I truly never thought would be possible.
I’m sharing her coaching service with my best friends and family because if we can share good and positive things, why not helping more people?
I would encourage you to work with Adelia if you are looking to build a life that is run by you, and not your fears and beliefs. She has helped me to heal faster and quicker and let go of my bad habits, how to deal with bad experiences and past mistakes, and stop self-judgment.

Barbara Kurtmann – Certified International Transformational Spiritual and Life Coach, Stress Management Coach, NLP Practitioner, and Empath/Animal Communicator
“I loved the work Adelia did for me. Every time Adelia helps me, I laugh within seconds. She brings joy in the second I get on a session with her. I feel so happy. I laugh right away. It is like nothing matters. I feel so happy and so good. And I just laugh, laugh, and laugh with Adelia.
I love how she helps me. There’s a moment when I had a headache and Adelia helped me so that my headache did not bother me anymore at all within seconds. I do not feel my headache anymore today. This is the first time that happened that my headache does not bother me anymore, thanks to Adelia.
I love when Adelia does a session for me, as I feel so happy, so good, and it is like I can take on the world with a whole new vision and light and life is just easy. And I can’t thank her enough again and again, I so appreciate it.
I am so very grateful and I would recommend Adelia’s service to the entire world. You must have a session with her. She is amazing. Thanks again, Adelia.”

Thina – Jakarta (Indonesia)
“My experience after doing the healing with Adelia was very amazing. I felt so relax and I could easily let go of my problems with ease. At that point, I began to feel the energy flowing through my body. I felt lighter and I could see light everywhere in the whole Universe. My spiritual journey is going up high. I could feel my eyes were wet even though I didn’t cry. I just felt peace and I couldn’t even express that with words.
A week later, my heart felt open and the peace that I had is still here until now. I am able to stay calm even when life throws so many problems all at once. I am so grateful for Adelia.”

Elga – Sijunjung (Indonesia)
“Nobody has a perfect life, everyone has their own problems—I was one of them. I felt I stuck in the past. Unresolved feelings lead to anger issues and affected my relationships and it made me felt worse.
But after doing some releasing with my healing coach, Adelia, I can easily let go of the past and it could be done effortlessly with ease.
I love working with Adelia because I always feel happy when she’s around me. She has the most positive aura, I feel like every time I see her, all my burdens dissolve into thin air! I love the way I can tell her my secrets and I love her method. She’s very supportive and allows me to tell my stories. At the same time, she always helped me released my feelings and it worked really well! It made me make peace with the issues. I respect and love myself more.
Surprisingly, I can meet my sales target at work on time and my relationships become better. I do not fell weigh down anymore. I live life with more ease now.”
*Coaching and the Sedona Method do not diagnose, cure or treat disease and are not substitutes for competent medical or psychological care. Always consult a qualified medical professional for health concerns.