1:1 Letting Go Private Coaching
Having good emotional health allows you. . .
. . . to live and work towards being your best self in all areas of life.
Letting Go Private Coaching is a strategy for getting rid of your emotional baggage. . .
. . .and live the life you want.
Note: All sales are final.
Does any of this sound familiar?
Your emotions cost you your physical health and well-being. . .
You saw yourself as a victim. . .
You don’t love yourself enough. . .
. . . and you feel you are not allowed to be yourself.
You don’t know how to manage emotions. . .
You are so much in your head. . .
. . . and not having contact with your feelings and emotions.
You’re being stuck in old non-productive ways. . .
You are easy to slip into automatic responses. . .
. . . and old patterns.
You feel useless and worries about future. . .
You feel you are not enough. . .
. . . and you fear of failure.
What if you could…
Break from being a slave to your emotions?
If you’re stressed, overwhelmed, and feeling tired all the time. . .
. . . it could be you don’t know how to manage emotions:
. . . depressed, grief, fear, doubt, anger, or self-absorbed—you name it.
It just takes an objective set of eyes to catch the things that need to be released.
You will find that as you work with me using The Sedona Method. . .
. . . it will give you much more than you bargained for or even dreamed possible.
Introducing 1:1 Letting Go Private Coaching
My Letting Go Support Coaching is all about letting go of your unwanted feelings easily and painlessly on the spot. . .
. . .so you can feel calm, confident, and in control in any situation. . .
. . .empowering you to see the opportunity that you didn’t know existed.
You’ll have the tool to release destructive thoughts and unwanted emotions
. . .that’ll help you to have a great understanding when things happen!

Here is what I believe is possible for you:
- Having clarity, insight, and a greater understanding to live in the NOW
- Release any desire to goals and let go of resistance to promote inspired action
- Feeling gratitude, peaceful, relaxed, delightful, and joyful
- Have more energy
- Loving yourself more and others
- Feeling ease in the body
- Not taking things too serious
- Quiet the mind even though the world is presenting challenges
- Feeling enough
- Having a sense of achievement
- Forgiving your past mistakes
- No attachment and no aversion
- Having the freedom to do whatever you want to be, do, and have
- Sustainable happiness
- Having the tool to release so you know what to do when things happen
This coaching is for you if:
- You’re stressed, overwhelmed, and feeling tired all the time.
- You want to have clarity, insight and a greater understanding.
- You want to clear up long-standing problems.
- You want to have a support to live life in a very nurturing way.
- You want to see the opportunity that you didn’t know existed.
- You want to feel peaceful, relaxed, and joyful.
- You want to love yourself more.
This coaching is NOT for you if:
- You resist moving outside your comfort zone.
- You enjoy struggle and suffering.
- You think you already know all the answers.
- You are not willing to let go of your thinking, patterns, and behavior.
- You believe in your ability to figure out what to do.
- You want instant result and not willing take 100% responsibility for your commitments and destiny.
How It Works
☞ We’ll meet for a 1-1 1-hour long video call and address one specific challenge that you have been facing. I’ll hold the open space with no judgment for you to start healing.
☞ I’ll guide you to let go of underlying feelings, wants, and motivations for the thing that has been holding you back and to make sure all your questions are answered.
☞ At the end of the session, I’ll send you a personalized checklist so you know how to move forward and a video recording of our session.

Michael – Jakarta (Indonesia)
“I invested in working with Lia because I wanted to change my bad habits. I noticed my negative approach to life can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Since starting out with Lia, I’ve learned how to let go and felt a lot better towards life. Lia’s style is just as supportive and insightful. She guided me to solve my life problems by just releasing only. I’m able to get rid of the most negative influences in life. I now have found my peace of mind, which I truly never thought would be possible.
She has helped me to heal faster and quicker and let go of my bad habits, how to deal with bad experiences and past mistakes, and stop self-judgment.”
Investment: $250/session
☞ Most people start with weekly sessions and eventually switch to 1-2 times a month.
☞ The only commitment you make is to yourself. Some people are all set after 3 sessions, some people have enjoyed my coaching for several years, with different intervals.
☞ The rates are reduced when purchasing multiple sessions.
Note: All sales are final.
Note: All sales are final.

Hi, I’m Adelia, a healing coach using The Sedona Method
I help men and women to let go of limiting beliefs and unpleasant emotions so you can create the life you love.
Because if you don’t know how to manage emotions. . .
. . .it costs you your health and well-being.
I’m intuitive so I naturally see and pinpoint exactly what’s been keeping you stuck.
With my simple and effective technique, I easily nail down the solution in a matter of minutes. . .
. . .so you have a greater understanding and can quantum leap into the next level.
I hold a safe space for you to be vulnerable so you can start healing. I support you from the place of love so sustainable happiness is possible for you.
Whatever your circumstances. . .
I will show you how you can achieve wealth and success, improve relationships, find peace and happiness, and experience health and well-being.
You can create the life that you choose for yourself NOW.
Are you ready to transform yourself and change your life?
LET’S DO THIS!If you have any questions, please fill out the form below and I’ll be in touch right away to schedule your coaching session.